Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Our Last Best Hope is tabletop roleplaying game about a crew of people on a mission to save humanity from a terible crisis.
During the game, you and your friends will play through a classic disaster movie, like Sunshine, Deep Impact, The Core, or Armageddon, where your characters are the stars. Each game is unique, as your group condronts a new crisis with a new set of characters and a new plan to save the earth.
While playing Our Last Best Hope, you might:
Launch into space to stop a meteor from destroying all life on earth.
Drill to the center of the earth to restart its molten core.
Navigate zombie-filled cities to stop a nuclear holocaust.
Regardless of the crisis, you, and your crew, are our last best hope.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9780984829323 |

• A3 Book of RPG Maps opening to A2 size• 62 map pages• Wipe clean – wet/dry marker compatible• All new maps• Compatible with any fantasy RPG including 5E• 1” grid throughout

Distilled: The Spirited Strategy Game is a highly thematic, medium-weight euro game about producing spirits in a distillery for 1-5 players. The game draws inspiration from real processes in a distillery, featuring resource management, recipe fulfillment, tableau building, and luck management mechanisms.
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Nejnovější verze RPG Cyberpunk 2020 z temné budoucnosti je plné korporátních vrahů, metalových hrdinů a vychytralých hackerů. Toto je nejnovější vydání hry Cyberpunk z roku 2019. Obsahuje jak základy, tak vylepšená pravidla pro Netrunnery. Všechny komponenty jsou kompetibilní se staršími verzemi Cyberpunk 2020. Kniha je v angličtině.
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The Epic Challenge enriches the Core set’s gameplay in components and game mechanics. As new iconic heroes, Seoni, the sorcerer, and Fumbus, the alchemist, together with their new spell, feat, and item cards, introduce new mechanics and new possible strategies for the players. Moreover, five new monsters (Black Dragon, Goblin Pyro, Gargoyle, Nightmare, Pharoah Mummy) increase the variety of the...

Sada obsahuje 100 ks plastových klipů ke spojování dílů WarLock Tiles.
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Golden Age will bring you straight to the heart of Adventure, to the golden 30s that set the scene for our childhood dreams, and the stories of the man in the hat. Includes new equipment and rules to manage Supernatural Menaces, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season.
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A map of Domovina, the official world of the Dragon Patrol. This map covers the northern part of the territory in which the Kingdom of Othion is located. A detailed world you can travel through and guide your heroes through its corners. You can take inspiration from the stories that take place on the Dragonwatch website and the texts that belong to it. But you can equally use the map as just a...

WarLock Tiles: Accessory přináší další předbarvené figurky a prostředí do vašeho RPG.
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