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Product detailed description
Sada WarLock Tiles: Town & Village obsahuje předbarvené plastové díly pro tvorbu místností 3D měst a vesnic. Sestavte si originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Jednotlivé díly mají vždy z jedné strany vzhled dřevěného povrchu, z opačné pak podobu kamene. Vše je kompatibilní s většinou plastových sad 3D terénu.
Obsah balení:
- 24x (2”x2”) WarLock Tiles
- 4x Plaster Walls, 2”
- 4x Plaster Walls, with Half Window, 2”
- 4x Plaster Walls, with Cracked Wall, 2”
- 4x Plaster Exterior Wall Doors, 2”
- 4x Plaster Exterior Wall Doors, 1”
- 5x Plaster Interior Walls, 2” (Style 1)
- 5x Plaster Interior Walls, 2” (Style 2)
- 5x Plaster Interior Walls, 2” (Style 3)
- 5x Plaster Interior Door
- 8x Wood Corner Pillars
- 5x Plaster Walls Inside Corner
- 5x Plaster Walls Outside Corner
- 20x Wood Beam Edge Caps
- 90x WarLock Clips
- 8x OpenLOCK Clips
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Typ hry: | Doplněk |
EAN: | 634482165065 |

The Epic Challenge enriches the Core set’s gameplay in components and game mechanics. As new iconic heroes, Seoni, the sorcerer, and Fumbus, the alchemist, together with their new spell, feat, and item cards, introduce new mechanics and new possible strategies for the players. Moreover, five new monsters (Black Dragon, Goblin Pyro, Gargoyle, Nightmare, Pharoah Mummy) increase the variety of the...

The Final Challenge widens the variety of the game by adding three independent expansions in one single box. Primarily, two new epic monsters (Pit Fiend Devil and the Drider) enter the Arena, whose special attacks and abilities, such as the frightful presence, and the draw poison, will pose new fearsome challenges to the players. Furthermore, the event cards add new special rules in every game....

It is the year 1919 on the Langford estate. Lady Leona has died and no one is sad about it. She always threatened to cut people out of her will. Now that she has finally passed away, her closest family and favorite servants have gathered for the reading of the will - but Leona always loved two things: puzzles and making life difficult.
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Distilled: The Spirited Strategy Game is a highly thematic, medium-weight euro game about producing spirits in a distillery for 1-5 players. The game draws inspiration from real processes in a distillery, featuring resource management, recipe fulfillment, tableau building, and luck management mechanisms.
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Kniha je v tvrdé vazbě ve stejném formátu jako základní příručka. Na 160 bohatě ilustrovaných stranách najdou hráči více než stovku bytostí, od obyčejných lidí až po netvory. Oproti bestiáři v základní příručce bylo možné každé bytosti věnovat více prostoru pro rozsáhlejší zápletky, propracovanější vztahy s jinými tvory a řadu dalších zajímavostí.

Pathfinder Arena is a board game set in the Pathfinder RPG’s “Age of Lost Omens”. Monsters and heroes clash in four stages of challenges in a labyrinth. In each stage, the number and power of the monsters increase while heroes level up and gather resources to gain new skills, magic spells, equipment, and the deities’ favor. This edition includes rules to play both the competitive and the...

This anthology weaves a cosmic thread through six classic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventures, updated for the game’s fifth edition. You can run these unforgettable quests individually or as a worlds-spanning campaign. Quests from the Infinite Staircase embraces the magic of the most beloved adventures of all time. As you explore what lies beyond each door, embark on timeless adventures and make...
![s l500[3]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/50922_s-l500-3.png?62e25d27
Interior model of a cave for your RPG.
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