Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
The story starts very vividly, with a heated dialogue between the guildmaster of the Mages Guild and Vonotar, one of its members. Vonotar is dissatisfied with the development of the guild, since, in his opinion, it has lost sight of its goal, the acquisition of power. Instead of following only the path of the Left Hand, the path of good, he also tries the path of the Right Hand, the path of evil. For only by combining both paths, he believes, can the guild return to its former power and strength. The guild master disagrees and puts Vonotar in his place. Ashamed of this rebuke, Vonotar decides to join Zagarna, the Black Lord and leader of evil on Magnamund.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
? Designers: | Joe Dever |
Typ hry: | Gamebook |
Autor: | Joe Dever |
EAN: | 9788087761441 |

Průvodce hráče pro RPG Zapovězené země v pevné vazbě. Kniha obsahuje pravidla pro rychlou tvorbu postav, nelítostný boj, smrtící magii, nebezpečné cestování a budování vaší vlastní tvrze - to vše snadno přenosné i do jiných herních světů.
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A beautifully crafted screen for the Old-School Essentials judge: classic fantasy. Adorned with the same illustrations as its English original, your players will enjoy a glimpse of the unmistakable OSE style as they play.

The expansion Voyages Extraordinaires takes inspiration from Jules Verne’s adventure classics like Journey to the Center of the Earth and Around the World in 80 Days. Includes additional rules for managing Missions and Wagers, Extraordinary Inventions, as well as tips for creating Adventurers’ Clubs and Expeditions, and a ready-to-play On Demand Season.

WHAT’S INCLUDED:• 1”x1” Tile, (16)• 1”x2” Tile, (20)• 1”x4” Tile, (4)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall, (14)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Inside Corner, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Outside Corner, (4)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Door, (4)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall Door, (2)• 1” Plaster Edgecap, (14)• EZ WarLock™ Clips, (100)
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After the events of the previous series of books, Lone Wolf has taken up training new Kai recruits, and under his tutelage, the Kai have been re-founded. Even though peace reigns for the moment, chaos is once again poised to unfold, as a group of Cenerese druids plot to unleash a massive plague upon all of Magnamund. Lone Wolf and the reader must find the source of this plague and destroy it...
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Sada WarLock Tiles: Town & Village obsahuje předbarvené plastové díly pro tvorbu místností 3D měst a vesnic. Sestavte si originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Jednotlivé díly mají vždy z jedné strany vzhled dřevěného povrchu, z opačné pak podobu kamene. Vše je kompatibilní s většinou plastových sad 3D terénu.

Nový formát, rozšířený obsah, a pořád stejně skvělá hra!Edice z r. 2016 vč. expanzí Aberrations a Undead, takže teď máte v jedné krabici kompletní Tyrants of the Underdark! Staňte se zlým vůdcem drowů a podmaňte si celý Underdark! Postavte si svůj balíček a naberte do něj drowy, draky, kultisty a démony, které pošlete pobít nepřátele nebo zabrat cizí pevnost! Svoji strategii volte bedlivě,...
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