Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
The Pact Worlds are the beating heart of the Starfinder campaign setting, a solar system full of citizens both familiar and bizarre. From the cosmopolitan corridors of Absalom Station to the carnivorous jungles of Castrovel or the floating cloud-cities of the gas giant Bretheda, this hardcover rulebook is your guide to Starfinder's core worlds and civilizations, and the perfect place to launch any adventure.
Inside, you'll find:
-In-depth gazetteers of the system's 14 major worlds, from high-tech Verces and the draconic empires of Triaxus to the necromantic wastleands of Eox or magical bubble cities floating on the surface of the sun. Each gazetteer features a detailed world map, residents and cultures, settlements and adventure locations, a unique theme to customize characters from that world, and more.
-New playable alien races, from undead Eoxians to Castrovellian plant-people.
-New starships, from the living vessels of the Xenowardens to sinister Hellknight dreadnoughts.
-A codex of themed NPC stat blocks to help Game Masters create vivid encounters.
-New archetypes for every class, including the Star Knight, Skyfire Centurion, and Divine Champion.
-Tons of new weapons, armors, spells, feats, magic items, technological gadgets, and more to help outfit your adventurers.
The pocket edition presents the same contents in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.4 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9781640784482 |

EVERYTHING YOU LOVE ABOUT PLANESCAPE – AND MORE! Return to the incredibly imaginative world of Planescape, where demons and angels sip tea together and the unexpected is just around the corner. From perplexing realities to multiversal glitches, fans of the original Planescape setting will encounter both familiar and unfamiliar uncertainties in this smorgasbord of multidimensional chaos.

In the Long Road - RPG Toolbox you will find 10 double-sided printed 11x17" map creation tokens, 40 monster cards, and a guide to creating long roads on your adventures.
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The boxed version of the role-playing game Mausritter contains everything you need to play (except the dice) and some interesting extra bonuses. In the box you'll find readable rules for the game, a summary of the rules, an apron for the wizard, a sheet of character journals, washable equipment tokens with a marker, and the Med in the Beam adventure.
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WarLock Tiles: Accessory přináší další předbarvené figurky a prostředí do vašeho RPG.
![cmnbkn002 1[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/68141_cmnbkn002-1-1.jpg?652e4bcd
Golden Age will bring you straight to the heart of Adventure, to the golden 30s that set the scene for our childhood dreams, and the stories of the man in the hat. Includes new equipment and rules to manage Supernatural Menaces, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season.

Adventures for Caves and Dragons with a conversion to Old-School Essentials for 1st to 3rd level characters.

Sada WarLock Tiles: Expansion Box I obsahuje další předbarvené plastové doplňky pro tvorbu 3D dungeonu. Sestavte si místnosti a originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Jednotlivé díly mají vždy z jedné strany vzhled dřevěného povrchu, z opačné pak podobu kamene. Vše je kompatibilní s většinou plastových sad 3D terénu.
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