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Product detailed description
Fantasy classic among gamebooks
The readability and playability of the gamebook Cursed Knot from the Fighting Fatasy series have already been tested by many players. But this time around, Ian Livingston's gamebook classic comes in a new guise, in a revised edition and with bonus features. Take up the pencil instead of the sword and enter a world where you are the hero!
What is The Cursed Wood about?
You're an adventurer and a mercenary for hire. Your greatest desire is to know true adventure, so you're not afraid to take to the road and face all sorts of pitfalls. But are you ready for the unsuspected mysteries lurking in the Black Forest?
An encounter with a wounded dwarf heralds a new challenge in your life. You must venture into the depths of the dark forest to find the missing pieces of the legendary Stonebridge Hammer. The fate of the entire dwarven city depends on the success of your quest.
Your adventure is about to begin!
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.4 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
? Designers: | Ian Livingstone |
Typ hry: | Gamebook |
Autor: | Ian Livingstone |
ISBN: | 9788088501190 |
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A hole in an old oak tree takes characters into a tangle of twisting, root-ridden passages, into the forgotten chambers of an ancient wizard, and to the banks of an underground river where a reptilian cult once built temples long ago.

Kniha hádanek pro děti. Tyto knihy můžeš luštit sám nebo i s rodinou či kamarády, nepotřebuješ k tomu žádné konkrétní znalosti (ani žádné konkrétní kamarády :D). Hádanky vyluštíte pomocí logického myšlení a týmové práce. To je klíč k úspěchu.

WarLock Tiles: Accessory přináší další předbarvené figurky a prostředí do vašeho RPG.
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Tato sběratelská dárková sada pro hráče světově populární hry na hrdiny Dungeons & Dragons nabízí kolekci základních příruček a zástěny.Sada je v angličtině.Obsah balení: Player's Handbook Monster Manual Dungeon Master's Guide DM Screen in Slipcase

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