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Product detailed description
Enjoy a horror interactive adventure in the devilishly good gamebook Hell House. According to the original numbering, this is the tenth part of the legendary gamebook series Fighting Fantasy.What is Hell House about?
A storm rages outside and your only hope is shelter - a strange dilapidated house that you glimpse in the distance. But seeking refuge in this place will lead you to an adventure where chills run down your spine and blood freezes in your veins. The terrifying inhabitants of the hellish house will haunt you forever. Who knows how many unfortunate travelers have perished within its horrifying walls? Will you survive the night?
Exclusive edition
The gamebook includes numerous editorial revisions, has a hardcover, and inside you will also find a folding map of Hell House. Compared to the original edition, it contains all original illustrations.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
Autor: | Steve Jackson |
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The Deck of Many Things is a famous magic item in Dungeons & Dragons whose effects are as spectacular as they are unpredictable. In this box you'll find The Book of Many Things, which sheds light on the deck's secrets and provides everything gamemasters need to use it in their campaigns. This book contains advice, adventure locations and new monsters for gamemasters, as well as character...

The Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game, inspired by the legendary horror stories, myths, and folklore of Mike Mignola, is an immersive gaming experience!
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Perfect for inspiring, planning and running Fantasy RPG Encounters.The huge book of maps for any fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. From perilous mountain peaks through to deep, dark forests, these maps are perfect for when the RPG party hits the road.
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Colour map of the interior of North Magnamund. The map is in A3 format, printed on coated paper, folded into A5 format. A stylish addition to the Lone Wolf gamebooks (this is the map from the prequel to the eighteenth volume, Dawn of the Dragons).
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Nový formát, rozšířený obsah, a pořád stejně skvělá hra!Edice z r. 2016 vč. expanzí Aberrations a Undead, takže teď máte v jedné krabici kompletní Tyrants of the Underdark! Staňte se zlým vůdcem drowů a podmaňte si celý Underdark! Postavte si svůj balíček a naberte do něj drowy, draky, kultisty a démony, které pošlete pobít nepřátele nebo zabrat cizí pevnost! Svoji strategii volte bedlivě,...
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Kniha je v tvrdé vazbě ve stejném formátu jako základní příručka. Na 160 bohatě ilustrovaných stranách najdou hráči více než stovku bytostí, od obyčejných lidí až po netvory. Oproti bestiáři v základní příručce bylo možné každé bytosti věnovat více prostoru pro rozsáhlejší zápletky, propracovanější vztahy s jinými tvory a řadu dalších zajímavostí.

The Silent Falls expansion allows players to rediscover the game with additional cards that facilitate evocative new stories. With the Silent Falls expansion, players are provided an opportunity to explore brand new stories with additional Suspect, Location, Character, Searching, and Clue cards, as well as new Relationship cards that help you to deepen your connections to the other characters.
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Interior model of a cave for your RPG.
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