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Product detailed description
Once more, Lone Wolf's help is sought by a monarch, this time King Sarnac of Lencia. While battling the Drakkarim under control of Magnaarn, the High Warlord of Darke, the Lencians have discovered that Magnaarn seeks an ancient artifact, the Doomstone of Darke. It is feared that he is close to discovering this artifact, and with it, the power to rally the Nadziranim sorcerers and other Darklord allies against Lencia. Lone Wolf and the reader take up the cause of Lencia to thwart Magnaarn's aims.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.4 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
? Designers: | Joe Dever |
Typ hry: | Gamebook |
Autor: | Joe Dever |
EAN: | 978-80-87761-68-7 |
![lone wolf pani temnot poskozeno 60445b7a8a429[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/91456_lone-wolf-pani-temnot-poskozeno-60445b7a8a429-1.jpg?67d3f720
You are the Lone Wolf, the last of the masters of the Kai Order. Upon your triumphant return from the ghostly world of Daziarn, you find that your old enemies, the Dark Lords of Helgedad, have taken over all of Magnamund.
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![mapa vnitrozemi severniho magnamundu 642ab086da697[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/91459_mapa-vnitrozemi-severniho-magnamundu-642ab086da697-1.jpg?67d3fa3b
Colour map of the interior of North Magnamund. The map is in A3 format, printed on coated paper, folded into A5 format. A stylish addition to the Lone Wolf gamebooks (this is the map from the prequel to the eighteenth volume, Dawn of the Dragons).
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EVERYTHING YOU LOVE ABOUT PLANESCAPE – AND MORE! Return to the incredibly imaginative world of Planescape, where demons and angels sip tea together and the unexpected is just around the corner. From perplexing realities to multiversal glitches, fans of the original Planescape setting will encounter both familiar and unfamiliar uncertainties in this smorgasbord of multidimensional chaos.

Perfect for inspiring, planning and running Fantasy RPG Encounters.The must have book of maps for any fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. From perilous mountain peaks through to deep, dark forests, these maps are perfect for when the RPG party hits the road.
![cmnbkn001 1[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/68150_cmnbkn001-1-1.jpg?652e59d3
Broken Compass is an Adventure Role-Playing Game inspired by the great movies and games of the genre, from the Mummy to Uncharted, passing through Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider. Adventurers in Broken Compass are men and women of action, traveling the World to face the Challenges of great cities and wild, unwelcoming lands alike. Adventurers risk their lives every day, driven by their will to...
![mausritter komplet poskozeno 64d5a30d8b8df[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/91462_mausritter-komplet-poskozeno-64d5a30d8b8df-1.jpg?67d3fd68
The boxed version of the role-playing game Mausritter contains everything you need to play (except the dice) and some interesting extra bonuses. In the box you'll find readable rules for the game, a summary of the rules, an apron for the wizard, a sheet of character journals, washable equipment tokens with a marker, and the Med in the Beam adventure.
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The detailed city of Ithien can be the place for many of your adventures, not only with the Advanced Rules. Guide your heroes through the dark alleyways of the Smugglers' Quarter, visit the gunpowder-smelling Alchemist's Island, or stop for a few beers at the Peeing Clarinet Tavern!
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