Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
The fame of adventurers is rising! Their names are beginning to be etched in the memory of the common people. With success come interesting offers from the court of high nobility. The completion of one of the unusual quests takes the party among the wealthy elite of Elshuma. But what will be the price of winning this glory? Will the adventurers really achieve what they so desire? Rynn longs to join the Kalev army, but Olaf has other ideas about their future. Yaril has his father's goal in front of him, but do the others share it?
Will Egil prove his leadership skills and lead the retinue in one direction, or will it split? The time has come to explore a new land and leave a long inhabited homeland. Half a century ago, what was once northern Kaleva has become a depopulated area. How could this have happened? What secrets does this land hold today?
Dobrodruzi are short stories based on the stories played out in Dragon's Den (Dračí doupě).
The product is in Czech.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
? Designers: | Kolektiv autorů, Slavomír Blažek |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9788097193041 |
Autor: | Slavomír Blažek, Kolektiv autorů |

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Jolly Roger will provide you all you need to go on great Adventures in the Caribbean Sea in the golden age of piracy. Includes additional rules for Dueling, Gambling and Naval Battles, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season.

Sada WarLock Summoning Circles několik magických kruhů pro použití spolu s dalšími doplňky WarLock. Využijte LED zdroj, který je také součástí balení a vytvořte magické obrazce v různých podobách i barvách.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Death on the Reik Companion obsahuje: Exkluzivní komentáře hostů od Jamese Wallise a Martina McKenny k jejich vzpomínkám na původní Death on the Reik. Průvodce GM včetně úplného rozpadu Rudé koruny, jednoho z nejnebezpečnějších Tzeentchových kultů Impéria. Další dobrodružný obsah včetně: Císař Luitpold, luxusní člun se spoustou tajemství ve svých prostorách a...
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A beautifully crafted screen for the Old-School Essentials judge: classic fantasy. Adorned with the same illustrations as its English original, your players will enjoy a glimpse of the unmistakable OSE style as they play.
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