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Product detailed description
Set of sleeves for the game Zombicide + all expansions.
The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality.
They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers, outperform Sapphire covers and are on par with FFG or Arcane Tinman.
The 80 micron thickness and the use of premium materials ensure that the cards are easy to wrap, the covers stay firmly in place, don't tear, and the cards shuffle well. At the same time, they ensure unrivalled clarity of the packaging.
Includes 100 Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x89 mm), 100 Diamond Gold: "Dixit" (80x120 mm), 100 Diamond Black: Square Small (70x70 mm)
Additional parameters
Category: | Sleeve Sets for Specific Games |
Weight: | 0.3 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | polypropylen |
Maximální rozměr: | 41x63 mm |
Kusů v balení: | 200 ks |
Tloušťka: | 80 mikronů |

Contains 300 pcs Diamond Orange: Chimera Standard (57.5x89 mm) Set of sleeves for the game Welcome to the Moon!. We have verified the dimensions and quantity for you in advance, and thanks to our sleeves, you can easily package your entire game with quality Diamond sleeves. High-quality Diamond sleeves directly from us, the Czech manufacturer and publisher TLAMA Games. We are...

Set of sleeves for the game Tiny Epic Pirates. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers,...

Set of sleeves for the game Endless Winter: Paleoamericans. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of...

Set of sleeves for the game Voidfall . The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers, outperform...

Set of sleeves for the game Scythe + all expansions. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers,...

Set of sleeves for the game Stezka nestvůr, Balíček dobrodružství a Divoký hon. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire...

Set of sleeves for the game Evenfall. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers, outperform...

Contains 2x Diamond Orange: Chimera Standard (57.5x89 mm) 200 pcs 2x Diamond Yellow: American Mini (41x63 mm) 200 pcs Set of sleeves for the game Civilization: New Dawn + Terra Incognita. We have verified the dimensions and quantity for you in advance, and thanks to our sleeves, you can easily sleeve your entire game with high-quality Diamond sleeves. You can sleeve the base game and...
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