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Product detailed description
Sada WarLock Tiles: Expansion Box I obsahuje další předbarvené plastové doplňky pro tvorbu 3D dungeonu. Sestavte si místnosti a originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Jednotlivé díly mají vždy z jedné strany vzhled dřevěného povrchu, z opačné pak podobu kamene. Vše je kompatibilní s většinou plastových sad 3D terénu.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Typ hry: | Doplněk |
EAN: | 634482165256 |
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Dark secrets, bizarre experiments and mysterious deaths! Paulson's Fortress is a masterpiece of the gamebook genre. It's a thrilling gamebook with escape game elements that takes you into a world full of mystery and danger. The story takes place in a dark mansion shrouded in mystery and sinister legends of a strange owner and his mysterious death. For years no one has dared to enter - until now.

Tato sběratelská dárková sada pro hráče světově populární hry na hrdiny Dungeons & Dragons nabízí kolekci základních příruček a zástěny.Sada je v angličtině.Obsah balení: Player's Handbook Monster Manual Dungeon Master's Guide DM Screen in Slipcase

The Epic Challenge enriches the Core set’s gameplay in components and game mechanics. As new iconic heroes, Seoni, the sorcerer, and Fumbus, the alchemist, together with their new spell, feat, and item cards, introduce new mechanics and new possible strategies for the players. Moreover, five new monsters (Black Dragon, Goblin Pyro, Gargoyle, Nightmare, Pharoah Mummy) increase the variety of the...
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The lord of all vampires is coming! Are you ready to face him? This fantasy horror adventure for Old-School Essentials fans is suitable for characters at 3rd to 5th level. This comprehensive guide contains all the important information for the storyteller - including rumor tables, a bounty list or dungeon information, and room descriptions.

Gamebook Havarr's Dungeons is a fantasy game for one player. Face off in battle against terrifying monsters, overcome treacherous traps, and break free from the grip of underground magic. It will be up to you alone how the adventure unfolds!
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Unearth the shadows of the Vampire: The Masquerade world with "Sabbat: The Black Hand," a gripping supplement crafted by Renegade Game Studios. Immerse yourself in the dark embrace of the Sabbat, as this antagonists' guide unveils the secrets and fanaticism swirling within their cultic brotherhood.
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