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The Art of The Batman is the official behind-the-scenes illustrated tie-in book to the highly-anticipated Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, War for the Planet of the Apes) film, coming to theaters March 4, 2022. Set during Batman's second year as a crimefighter, this unique, noir-inspired take on the Dark Knight serves as a return to the character's roots in detective fiction, crime, and horror and stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as the Riddler, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, and Colin Farrell as The Penguin. Readers will get an insider's look at the film's production process through character designs, vehicle and gadget designs, background paintings, storyboards, and keyframe art done for the film, alongside original commentary and interviews from the filmmakers, cast, production designer, and conceptual artists.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1.9 kg |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9781419762109 |

Po více než 6 let práce je zde první oficiální Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, tato kniha představuje krátké představení pravidel pro sudí i hráče. Na některých místech jsou pravidla zjednodušena nebo opominuta tak, aby dala čtenářům rychlý a snadný náhled do světa DCC RPG. Fungují až do úrovně 2. Pokud vás hra bude bavit i poté, můžete si pořídit pravidla kompletní.
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Kids on Bikes: Strange Adventures Vol 2 Embark on extraordinary journeys with Kids on Bikes: Strange Adventures Vol 2 by Renegade Game Studios! Uncover the mysteries of 17 new towns, where peculiar events unfold like a storm in the castle or something brewing in Eastwick. Whether your young adventurers are following the path, venturing into uncharted territory, or encountering banality next...
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The detailed city of Ithien can be the place for many of your adventures, not only with the Advanced Rules. Guide your heroes through the dark alleyways of the Smugglers' Quarter, visit the gunpowder-smelling Alchemist's Island, or stop for a few beers at the Peeing Clarinet Tavern!

Gamebook Elfí les: Stíny nad Kazašárem is set in the mystical world of the elves, specifically in the kingdom of Cas'Ashar, located in Elfenwald, an enchanted forest full of danger and beauty. The main character is an elf who learns magic from the mage Syldak in order to confront the dark forces that threaten his home.
![mausritter zamecek 63e3557623cae[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/91465_mausritter-zamecek-63e3557623cae-1.jpg?67d4004a
A collection of fascinating and playful adventures for the RPG Mausritter. Here you will find the works of eleven authors and illustrators, which are intertwined into one adventurous gaming environment for mouse heroes. Each individual story can be explored on its own or experienced as a fantastic quest in the style of a complete campaign.
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WHAT’S INCLUDED:• Stone Exterior Wall 1”, (14)• 1” Stone Exterior Wall Inside Corner, (6)• 1” Stone Exterior Wall Outside Corner, (4)• 1” Stone Interior Wall, (6)• 1” Stone Exterior Wall Door, (4)• 1” Stone Interior Wall Door, (2)• 1” Stone Edgecap, (14)• 1”x1” Tile, (16)• 1”x2” Tile, (20)• 1”x4” Tile, (4)• EZ WarLock™ Clips, (100)
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