Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
The Avengers clash with the Guardians of the Galaxy in a desperate search for a planet-killer, in this action-packed novel set in the world of the Marvel: Crisis Protocol game. Following the destruction of their world, a group of Kree refugees come to Earth to work for Stark Enterprises. But the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive soon after, believing that the world-killer is actually one of those Kree, now hiding out on Earth. But there are others after the killer too, and the Avengers have no choice but to respond - and both Tony Stark and Ms Marvel have to choose between the fate of the Earth and the people they care about.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9781839080708 |
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WarLock Tiles: Accessory přináší další předbarvené figurky a prostředí do vašeho RPG.

Kniha ze světa série Arkham Horror
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Age of Ashes enhances the Core Set’sreplayability by including a new hero (Nketiah) and new monsters (Skeletal Hellknight, Charau-Ka, Belmazog, Dragonshard Golem). They all come from the Age of Ashes adventure path, the first released for Pathfinder 2nd edition. It means that this item is the best option to combine Pathfinder Arena’s unique game mechanics with the feeling coming from Paizo’s...
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The lord of all vampires is coming! Are you ready to face him? This fantasy horror adventure for Old-School Essentials fans is suitable for characters at 3rd to 5th level. This comprehensive guide contains all the important information for the storyteller - including rumor tables, a bounty list or dungeon information, and room descriptions.

Set kostek potřebný ke hře Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.

Průvodce hráče pro RPG Zapovězené země v pevné vazbě. Kniha obsahuje pravidla pro rychlou tvorbu postav, nelítostný boj, smrtící magii, nebezpečné cestování a budování vaší vlastní tvrze - to vše snadno přenosné i do jiných herních světů.

The detailed city of Ithien can be the place for many of your adventures, not only with the Advanced Rules. Guide your heroes through the dark alleyways of the Smugglers' Quarter, visit the gunpowder-smelling Alchemist's Island, or stop for a few beers at the Peeing Clarinet Tavern!
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