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INTO THE UNKNOWN! The Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide for the Star Trek Adventures Roleplaying Game presents a thrilling, all-new area of the Beta Quadrant to explore: the Shackleton Expanse. Countless wonders and mysteries await within, including strange spatial phenomena that confuse sentient life-forms as well as starship sensors, ancient alien technologies powerful enough to move or obliterate entire star systems, dangerous new species to encounter, and so much more! EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORLDS! A detailed sandbox setting centered on the Shackleton Expanse and Starbase 364, the only jointly-run Federation-Klingon starbase. SEEK OUT NEW LIFE AND NEW CIVILIZATIONS! Five new playable alien species, including the Orions and four species unique to the Shackleton Expanse. BOLDLY GO WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE! An epic 10-part campaign spanning the original series and The Next Generation eras, featuring the mysterious Tilikaal. Guidance on how to create your own stories set in the Shackleton Expanse and beyond, across a century or more of the Star Trek timeline. A large selection of NPCs found in and near the Expanse, including the command staff of Starbase 364 and many new life-forms. Starship statistics for “hero” vessels as well as NPC spacecraft from a variety of alien species, both new and familiar. Historical excerpts, personal logs, and intercepted communications, providing fresh perspectives on events related to the Shackleton Expanse. All contents are adaptable for use with groups of pioneering Starfleet officers or fearless Klingon warriors.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Expansion |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9781910132944 |

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