Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Our Last Best Hope is tabletop roleplaying game about a crew of people on a mission to save humanity from a terible crisis.
During the game, you and your friends will play through a classic disaster movie, like Sunshine, Deep Impact, The Core, or Armageddon, where your characters are the stars. Each game is unique, as your group condronts a new crisis with a new set of characters and a new plan to save the earth.
While playing Our Last Best Hope, you might:
Launch into space to stop a meteor from destroying all life on earth.
Drill to the center of the earth to restart its molten core.
Navigate zombie-filled cities to stop a nuclear holocaust.
Regardless of the crisis, you, and your crew, are our last best hope.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9780984829323 |

The Caves and Dragons apron is back! And better! Screensaver is a useful helper that will enhance your experience of playing Dungeons&Dragons. The beautifully illustrated screen is made of paper that is durable and matte. During the game, players will get a glimpse of an illustration of a fantastic landscape.

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The Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game, inspired by the legendary horror stories, myths, and folklore of Mike Mignola, is an immersive gaming experience!
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The expansion Voyages Extraordinaires takes inspiration from Jules Verne’s adventure classics like Journey to the Center of the Earth and Around the World in 80 Days. Includes additional rules for managing Missions and Wagers, Extraordinary Inventions, as well as tips for creating Adventurers’ Clubs and Expeditions, and a ready-to-play On Demand Season.

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The detailed city of Ithien can be the place for many of your adventures, not only with the Advanced Rules. Guide your heroes through the dark alleyways of the Smugglers' Quarter, visit the gunpowder-smelling Alchemist's Island, or stop for a few beers at the Peeing Clarinet Tavern!
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