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Product detailed description
Tyranny of Dragons combines and enhances two action games Dungeons & Dragons - Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat - into one large campaign. It also includes a gallery of conceptual drawings that provide a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the epic adventure, with Tiamat, one of the most legendary enemies in D&D, as its main hero.
- A beautiful reintroduction to the first published adventures of the 5th edition for new fans.
- Starts as a low-level adventure suitable for new players and progresses to an epic, extensive campaign that guides players from level 1 to 15.
- The balance of the adventure has been adjusted to make it easier for new gamemasters to run and provide a better gaming experience.
- The book includes a gallery of conceptual drawings, with Tiamat, one of the most legendary enemies in D&D, as the central theme.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Expansion, Book |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9780786968657 |

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Broken Compass is an Adventure Role-Playing Game inspired by the great movies and games of the genre, from the Mummy to Uncharted, passing through Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider.

Expanded Rules. Expanded Foes. Expanded Adventure!Embark on a journey with the rival wizards Tasha and Mordenkainen and the crime lord Xanathar. Learn new secrets and discover magical new ways to play the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Alice is Missing je korespondenční tichá hra na hrdiny o zmizení Alice Briarwoodové, studentky střední školy v ospalém severozápadním kalifornském městě Silent Falls. Během hry si hráči navzájem posílají textové zprávy, které jim odhalují stopy a fakta o tom, co se stalo Alici. Hra běží v jedné relaci dvou nebo tří hodin. Neexistuje žádný formální Game master(správce hry či z DD Pán jeskyně),...

Age of Ashes enhances the Core Set’sreplayability by including a new hero (Nketiah) and new monsters (Skeletal Hellknight, Charau-Ka, Belmazog, Dragonshard Golem). They all come from the Age of Ashes adventure path, the first released for Pathfinder 2nd edition. It means that this item is the best option to combine Pathfinder Arena’s unique game mechanics with the feeling coming from Paizo’s...
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Sada obsahuje 100 ks plastových klipů ke spojování dílů WarLock Tiles.

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