Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
From the D&D experts behind Dungeons & Dragons Art & Arcana comes a cookbook that invites fantasy lovers to celebrate the unique culinary creations and traditions of their favorite fictional cultures. With this book, you can prepare dishes delicate enough to dine like elves and their drow cousins or hearty enough to feast like a dwarven clan or an orcish horde. All eighty dishes—developed by a professional chef—are delicious, easy to prepare, and composed of wholesome ingredients readily found in our world.
Heroes’ Feast includes recipes for snacking, such as Elven Bread, Iron Rations, savory Hand Pies, and Orc Bacon, as well as hearty vegetarian, meaty, and fish mains, such as Amphail Braised Beef, Hommlet Golden Brown Roasted Turkey, Drow Mushroom Steaks, and Pan-Fried Knucklehead Trout—all which pair perfectly with a side of Otik’s famous fried spiced potatoes. There are also featured desserts and cocktails—such as Heartlands Rose Apple and Blackberry Pie, Trolltide Candied Apples, Evermead, Potion of Restoration, and Goodberry Blend—and everything in between, to satisfy a craving for any adventure.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 4. Rulebook language: | English |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9781984858900 |

The Epic Challenge enriches the Core set’s gameplay in components and game mechanics. As new iconic heroes, Seoni, the sorcerer, and Fumbus, the alchemist, together with their new spell, feat, and item cards, introduce new mechanics and new possible strategies for the players. Moreover, five new monsters (Black Dragon, Goblin Pyro, Gargoyle, Nightmare, Pharoah Mummy) increase the variety of the...

Kniha hádanek pro děti. Tyto knihy můžeš luštit sám nebo i s rodinou či kamarády, nepotřebuješ k tomu žádné konkrétní znalosti (ani žádné konkrétní kamarády :D). Hádanky vyluštíte pomocí logického myšlení a týmové práce. To je klíč k úspěchu.

WHAT’S INCLUDED:• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Outside Angled, (8)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Inside Angled, (4)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall Angled, (4)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Outside Curved, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Inside Curved, (6)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall Curved, (6)• 1”x1” Angled Tile, (18)• 1”x1” Outside Curved Tile, (16)• 1”x1” Inside Curved Tile, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Window...

WHAT’S INCLUDED:• 1”x1” Tile, (16)• 1”x2” Tile, (20)• 1”x4” Tile, (4)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall, (14)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Inside Corner, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Outside Corner, (4)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall, (6)• 1” Plaster Exterior Wall Door, (4)• 1” Plaster Interior Wall Door, (2)• 1” Plaster Edgecap, (14)• EZ WarLock™ Clips, (100)

Magazine for all fans of wargaming.

A Red Tide to Kush - kompletní kampaň s deseti scénáři.Sólo nebo kooperativní kampaň o devíti scénářích pro deskovou hru.Shadows from Gulsaggah, kompletní RPG kampaň zasazená na legendární Black Coast.Pravidla pro sólo a kooperativní variantu deskové hry.Pravidla používání Conan tiles a pro tvorbu nových scénářů.Postavy, monstra, výbava, artefakty.
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EVERYTHING YOU LOVE ABOUT PLANESCAPE – AND MORE! Return to the incredibly imaginative world of Planescape, where demons and angels sip tea together and the unexpected is just around the corner. From perplexing realities to multiversal glitches, fans of the original Planescape setting will encounter both familiar and unfamiliar uncertainties in this smorgasbord of multidimensional chaos.
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