Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
The magician's mission burned with his home. In the rubble, however, he finds clues that lead him back to Ife, to the mage Alsim. In the former capital of Kaleva, he once again becomes entangled in a web of mystery with his companions, both Egil and Rynn. A seemingly simple quest to the Nuur Islands leads them to strange creatures and former enemies. The adventurers' paths are constantly crossed by the long-forgotten story of Losif, warrior, priest, even prophet. Will a mysterious door open a sealed chapter of the continent, or will it merely reveal an uninteresting chamber? Time will tell. But what the adventurers don't know is that peaceful times are over for good.
Dobrodruzi are short stories based on the stories played out in Dragon's Den (Dračí doupě).
The product is in Czech.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
? Designers: | Kolektiv autorů, Slavomír Blažek |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9788089672417 |
Autor: | Slavomír Blažek, Kolektiv autorů |
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In the Long Road - RPG Toolbox you will find 10 double-sided printed 11x17" map creation tokens, 40 monster cards, and a guide to creating long roads on your adventures.
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