Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
In the hourglass of life, one of the heroes had his last grains spilled. Maybe a little early. Will the unjust ending propel his friends forward or will they instead retreat into the background and leave the pitfalls of the heroic life to those more experienced? Unexpected encounters, political plots and plenty of good fun await you in the third installment of Adventurers!
The product is in Czech.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.3 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
? Designers: | Kolektiv autorů, Slavomír Blažek |
Typ hry: | Kniha |
EAN: | 9788089422296 |
Autor: | Slavomír Blažek, Kolektiv autorů |
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Kids on Bikes: Strange Adventures Vol 2 Embark on extraordinary journeys with Kids on Bikes: Strange Adventures Vol 2 by Renegade Game Studios! Uncover the mysteries of 17 new towns, where peculiar events unfold like a storm in the castle or something brewing in Eastwick. Whether your young adventurers are following the path, venturing into uncharted territory, or encountering banality next...
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Perfect for inspiring, planning and running Fantasy RPG Encounters.The huge book of maps for any fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. From perilous mountain peaks through to deep, dark forests, these maps are perfect for when the RPG party hits the road.

Jsi Lone Wolf - Osamělý vlk, poslední z rytířů řádu Kai. Na jihu tvé vlasti leží bohatá hornická provincie Ruanon. Když pravidelný transport zlata najednou zmizí, král pošle oddíl svých nejlepších mužů, aby zjistili, co se stalo. Oddíl se však nevrátí. V Rokli zkázy jsi vyslán, abys objevil ztracené zlato a vojáky, kteří zmizeli. Záhy však zjistíš, že toto poslání je mnohem závažnější - v sázce...
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The highly anticipated WarLock Tiles: Doors & Archways set from WizKids is finally available for release!With Doors & Archways, you'll have everything you need for multi-room adventure scenarios. Mix and match with other WarLock Tiles for even larger adventure setups!Doors & Archways is compatible with most 3D terrain sets and features an integrated clear plastic base that sit on...

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A map of Domovina, the official world of the Dragon Patrol. This map covers the northern part of the territory in which the Kingdom of Othion is located. A detailed world you can travel through and guide your heroes through its corners. You can take inspiration from the stories that take place on the Dragonwatch website and the texts that belong to it. But you can equally use the map as just a...
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Interior model of a cave for your RPG.
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