Vybráno pro Vás

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Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.35 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
Typ hry: | Komiks |
EAN: | 9788076795679 |

Alice is Missing je korespondenční tichá hra na hrdiny o zmizení Alice Briarwoodové, studentky střední školy v ospalém severozápadním kalifornském městě Silent Falls. Během hry si hráči navzájem posílají textové zprávy, které jim odhalují stopy a fakta o tom, co se stalo Alici. Hra běží v jedné relaci dvou nebo tří hodin. Neexistuje žádný formální Game master(správce hry či z DD Pán jeskyně),...

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It is said that the first six elves of the Forbidden Lands – the ones who planted the trees, drew the furrows of the rivers and gave the animals their home – after completing their mission, had their rubies gathered in the royal crown, Stanengist, the name of which means “The Hanging Stones.” In the crown they rested deservedly, but at the same time, kept watch over their creation and gave...
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Golden Age will bring you straight to the heart of Adventure, to the golden 30s that set the scene for our childhood dreams, and the stories of the man in the hat. Includes new equipment and rules to manage Supernatural Menaces, as well as a ready-to-play On Demand Season.

Age of Ashes enhances the Core Set’sreplayability by including a new hero (Nketiah) and new monsters (Skeletal Hellknight, Charau-Ka, Belmazog, Dragonshard Golem). They all come from the Age of Ashes adventure path, the first released for Pathfinder 2nd edition. It means that this item is the best option to combine Pathfinder Arena’s unique game mechanics with the feeling coming from Paizo’s...

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Tato sběratelská dárková sada pro hráče světově populární hry na hrdiny Dungeons & Dragons nabízí kolekci základních příruček a zástěny.Sada je v angličtině.Obsah balení: Player's Handbook Monster Manual Dungeon Master's Guide DM Screen in Slipcase
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