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Product detailed description
Lavishly illustrated and carefully detailed, The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons invites D&D fans of all ages into the magical world of dragons. Where do black dragons incubate their eggs? How large is a baby dragon? Find all the answers you seek – and more – in the wizard Sindri Suncatcher’s personal notebooks, packed with meticulous research and wondrous insights. With every turn of the page, let your imagination soar as you uncover majestic art, undiscovered lore, and other mystical secrets. An enhanced edition of The New York Times bestseller A Practical Guide to Dragons, this book captures all the wonder and awe of D&D’s most revered creatures. Whether you’re a Dungeon Master looking to enrich your D&D campaigns or a fantasy lover in search of a new adventure, you’ll be sure to find something to spark your imagination in this marvelous and comprehensive guide.
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Expansion, Book |
Typ hry: | RPG |
EAN: | 9780786969067 |

WarLock Tiles: Accessory přináší další předbarvené figurky a prostředí do vašeho RPG.

Sada Warlock Tiles: Town & Village II - Full Height Plaster Walls EXPANSION obsahuje další předbarvené plastové doplňky pro tvorbu 3D dungeonu. Sestavte si místnosti a originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Jednotlivé díly mají vždy z jedné strany vzhled dřevěného povrchu, z opačné pak podobu kamene. Vše je kompatibilní s většinou plastových sad 3D terénu.

The highly anticipated WarLock Tiles: Doors & Archways set from WizKids is finally available for release!With Doors & Archways, you'll have everything you need for multi-room adventure scenarios. Mix and match with other WarLock Tiles for even larger adventure setups!Doors & Archways is compatible with most 3D terrain sets and features an integrated clear plastic base that sit on...

Ramshackle docks and piers that have been cobbled together from scrap wood and only somewhat maintained over years of service at the edge of a vast Subterranean Lake (SKU 16542). Moored here are a handful of watercraft: a pair of simple barrel rafts and a surprisingly well-crafted rowboat left by an owner whose luck must have run out.Additional Features:• Both Boardwalks have friction-fit...

It is the year 1919 on the Langford estate. Lady Leona has died and no one is sad about it. She always threatened to cut people out of her will. Now that she has finally passed away, her closest family and favorite servants have gathered for the reading of the will - but Leona always loved two things: puzzles and making life difficult.
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Set kostek potřebný ke hře Fallout: The Roleplaying Game.

Adventures for Caves and Dragons with a conversion to Old-School Essentials for 1st to 3rd level characters.

Tento sourcebook v sobě ukrývá tajemství Ravenloftu, země v mlhách, kde na vás číhají upíři, hordy zombií a kosmické hrůzy...
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