Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Additional parameters
Category: | RPG, Gamebooks and Books |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Book |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
Typ hry: | Komiks |
EAN: | 9788076520912 |

Sada WarLock Dungeon Dressings obsahuje předbarvené plastové dekorace pro tvorbu 3D prostředí. Sestavte si místnosti a originální terén pro vaše hry na hrdiny! Využijte k tomu například trůn, postel, sud, kámen nebo truhlici. Kompatibilní v rámci značky Warlock, ale krásné dekorace určitě rádi využijete i pro jiné mapy či hry.

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A Lone Wolf story in graphic-novel form. During a devastating pirate-raid on a city port, Lone Wolf's friend Rimoah is kidnapped. Lone Wolf sets out on a desperate search which leads him to sea demons, assassins and dark magic.
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Age of Ashes enhances the Core Set’sreplayability by including a new hero (Nketiah) and new monsters (Skeletal Hellknight, Charau-Ka, Belmazog, Dragonshard Golem). They all come from the Age of Ashes adventure path, the first released for Pathfinder 2nd edition. It means that this item is the best option to combine Pathfinder Arena’s unique game mechanics with the feeling coming from Paizo’s...

Perfect for inspiring, planning and running Fantasy RPG Encounters.The huge book of maps for any fantasy tabletop roleplaying game. From perilous mountain peaks through to deep, dark forests, these maps are perfect for when the RPG party hits the road.

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