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Karetní hra z rodiny 6 bere!, ve které ale používáte i speciální řadu X, která vás může ochránit před nežádoucími kravami. Hra s čísly procvičující logické myšlení pro 2–4 hráče od 8 let.

For Sale Autorama is a quick, fun game about buying and selling vehicles: cars, motorcycles, RVs, semi-trucks, etc. During the game’s three distinct phases, players first bid to hire advisors, with those advisors then assisting them in the other two phases of the game, when the players purchase several vehicles, then attempt to sell them for the greatest profit possible.

For Sale Autorama is a quick, fun game about buying and selling vehicles: cars, motorcycles, RVs, semi-trucks, etc. During the game’s three distinct phases, players first bid to hire advisors, with those advisors then assisting them in the other two phases of the game, when the players purchase several vehicles, then attempt to sell them for the greatest profit possible.

For Sale is a fast and fun game that deals with buying and selling properties. In two different phases of the game, players first bid on several buildings and then, after buying all the buildings, sell them for the highest profit possible.

For Sale is a quick, fun game nominally about buying and selling real estate. During the game's two distinct phases, players first bid for several buildings then, after all buildings have been bought, sell the buildings for the greatest profit possible.

Hra se zvonečkem pro malé hráče – karty s veselými ale i smutnými klauny. I tato varianta hry rozvíjí postřeh a rychlou reakci. Zacinkej jako první na zvoneček, když se na stole objeví dva stejní klauni.

In I Want My Teeth Back, players strategically decide when to spin a wheel for an opportunity to collect missing teeth. The first player to collect a full "mouthful" of the teeth wins.
Product detailed description
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Additional parameters
Category: | Rental |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
? 2. Minimum age: | 8 |
? 3. Game language: | Czech |
? 4. Rulebook language: | Czech |
? 5. Minimum players: | 2 |
? 6. Maximum players: | 6 |
? 7. Play time (minutes): | 16-30 |
Typ hry: | Párty |
Herní doba: | 30 minut |
EAN: | 8590228055712 |
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