For Experienced Players

Board games for experienced players

Are you looking for a gift for someone who has an experience with a good number of board games and isn't afraid of challenge? Board games for experienced players will be the perfect choice! In this category you can find games that we highly recommend for experienced players. Recommended age usually 12+ years. You can filter games by minimum recommended age and game time for greater clarity.


Gift tips for experienced gamers

The hit of the last few months is the strategy game Eternal Winter: Paleoindians. It takes you back to 10,000 years before Christ, when nomadic Indian tribes roamed North America. Your mission is to settle new territories, explore new discoveries, hunt game and build megaliths that will last for centuries. Will your tribe be the most successful?

Games in this category are especially suitable for players over the age of 12 who have already played a few games and have no problem navigating the more complex rules and can play for several hours.


TLAMA games - Brass: Birmingham CZ/EN
FREEFREE €61,50 –9 %
Brass: Birmingham CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €61,50  (–9 %)
cyclades mockup
FREEFREE €67,46 –10 %
Cyclades: Legendární edice
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €67,46  (–10 %)
zaklad mock up
FREEFREE €67,46 –10 %
Was: €67,46  (–10 %)
inferno box
FREEFREE €63,49 –10 %
Inferno CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €63,49  (–10 %)
mockup corebox
FREEFREE €65,48 –9 %
Přehrada (Barrage Czech)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €65,48  (–9 %)
Aha! mockup vzor
FREEFREE €49,59 –9 %
Zachaňte korály (Reef Project CZ)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €49,59  (–9 %)
Zaklínač: Starý svět (Deluxe edice)
FREEFREE €158,78 –10 %
Was: €158,78  (–10 %)
Mindok - Na Křídlech
€67,46 –20 %
Was: €67,46  (–20 %)
mockup vzor
FREEFREE €65,48 –27 %
Was: €65,48  (–27 %)
23 items total
mockup corebox
New Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €65,48 –9 %
Přehrada (Barrage Czech)
In stock (>5 pcs)

Přehrada (Czech Edition of Barrage) is a resource management strategic game in which players compete to build their majestic dams, raise them to increase their storing capacity, and deliver all the potential power through pressure tunnels connected to the energy turbines of their powerhouses.

cyclades mockup
New Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom
FREEFREE €67,46 –10 %

In the Czech edition of Cyclades: Legendary Edition, designers Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc have reworked the Cyclades base game and its many expansions to make gameplay more dynamic and fluid.

zaklad mock up
Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom
FREEFREE €67,46 –10 %

Unconscious Mind is a euro-style game featuring worker placement, engine building, multiple rondels, and cascading effects. On your turn, you may place one or two Ideas (workers) on a central Meeting Table to access a variety of actions, such as adding tiles to your player board, drafting and playing cards, and moving around the city of Vienna. Where you place your Ideas also determines how far...

mockup vzor(2)
New Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom
FREEFREE €59,52 –10 %

As leaders of Minoan clans players are in charge of the first European civilization. Build cities, monuments and other structures, open new trade routes, expand and fight off outsiders out of your land, plan your actions with your clan council, research and issue decrees so your actions will be more powerful than your opponents! You have only 4 rounds to prove you are worthy of the legendary...

Aha! mockup vzor
Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom + Free gift
FREEFREE €49,59 –9 %

During the game, players take on the role of researchers and saviors of the oceans. You will sail the seas, hire crew, explore the coral reef, clean the ocean sectors of any pollution, and try to accomplish as many missions as possible.

inferno box
Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom
FREEFREE €63,49 –10 %
Inferno CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)

Inferno (Czech Edition) is a soul management game where each player must guide sinners to their respective circles in Hell. The central board consists of two parts: one displaying all 9 circles and the soul registry, while the other represents Florence in the early 14th century, where Dante lived, with its power games and palace intrigues.

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €65,48 –27 %

Trolls & Princesses is a “worker movement” game. You play as one of four troll clans and to get the mountains king’s favour, you try to impress him. The players get favour (in the form of victory points) when they do what trolls usually do: swap changelings, “hire” humans, tear down church bells, kidnap princesses, build their cave, and use troll magic. To succeed, the players must collect...

vlci titulka01[1]
€51,58 –10 %
In stock (>5 pcs)

The Wolves is a pack-building strategy game for 2-5 players. It’s survival of the fittest as you compete to build the largest, most dominant pack by claiming territory, recruiting lone wolves, and hunting prey. But be careful not to expand too recklessly into terrain where your rivals thrive – they may lure members of your pack away.

Zaklínač: Starý svět (Deluxe edice)
+ Free gift
FREEFREE €158,78 –10 %

Continent after the Conjunction of Spheres is no longer a safe place. Magic has come to this world, bringing with it bloodthirsty and terrifying creatures! Currently, five competing schools of magic are training their apprentices... Become a witcher - face dangerous beasts and tell your own story in the Old World! The Deluxe version includes an additional 28 monster miniatures

mockup jpg(1)
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €79,37 –10 %

A Feast for Odin is a saga in the form of a board game. You are reliving the cultural achievements, mercantile expeditions, and pillages of those tribes we know as Viking today — a term that was used quite differently towards the end of the first millennium.

€83,34 –14 %
In stock (2 pcs)

Distillery (subtitled Twice-distilled board game) is a thematic game in which your goal will be to distill various types of alcohol. Each player will become the owner of a distillery, which they can improve during the game.

Velká čínská zeď
Velká čínská zeď
In stock (>5 pcs)

Great Wall of China is a competitive strategic game set in medieval China, mixing historical elements with a touch of fantasy. The game also includes a cooperative mode and a single player mode. The basic game mechanism is action-selection and worker-placement.

Terracotta Army CZ/EN
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €67,46 –10 %

Emperor Qin Shi Huang has passed away. To protect him in the afterlife, a great army in the form of statues of faithful warriors must be assembled to stand guard in the Emperor's tomb. You will be among those tasked with building this magnificent army.

€67,46 –9 %
In stock (1 pcs)

Bitoku is a game set in a Japanese environment, in which each player takes on the role of a bitoku spirit and tries to become the new Great Spirit of the forest.

tindaya box
Our Product Showroom + Free gift
FREEFREE €63,49 –10 %
Tindaya CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)

Tindaya (Czech edition) is set at the dawn of the 15th century on the paradise known today as the Canary Islands. The conquistadors have just set eyes on it. Each player must lead an aboriginal tribe to survival in a world ruled by gods and shaped by natural disasters.

TLAMA games - Věčná zima: Paleoindiáni
New Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €63,49 –10 %

Travel back to 10,000 BC and take the lead of the nomadic tribes that shaped American history. From hunters and gatherers to thriving tribal communities. During your travels, you'll settle new territories, explore new discoveries, hunt game, and build megalithic structures that will last the ages.

TLAMA games - Gaia Project: Galaxie Terra Mystica
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €69,45 –9 %

Gaia Project is the successor to the global megahit Terra Mystica.In this game, in which there is no element of chance, you will take on the role of a representative of one of the 14 nations that populate the galaxy of Terra Mystica. To dominate this galaxy, you must construct increasingly advanced buildings, mine resources and achieve new scientific knowledge in six areas of research.Each of...

TLAMA games - Brass: Birmingham CZ/EN
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €61,50 –9 %
Brass: Birmingham CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)

Brass: Birmingham is a strategic economic game set in Industrial Revolution England. In this game you have several choices: build textile factories, coal mines or steel mills. In Brass: Birmingham you can even trade beer! In the game you also have to manage transport. Making money is a big part of the game. You are rewarded for these things and the player with the highest score wins the whole...

TLAMA games - Tawantinsuyu: Říše Inků CZ+EN
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €55,55 –10 %

Tawantinsuyu: Říše Inků je nová hra od Dávid Turczi - tvůrce například Anachrony. Opět jde o tématiku americké civilizace a unikátní herní mechanismy, které potěší každého milovníka strategických deskových her.  Pravidla jsou v češtině a angličtině. Herní materiál je jazykově nezávislý. 

TLAMA games - Vikomti Západního království
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €43,64 –10 %

Hra Vikomti Západního království je zasazena do období na sklonku královy vlády, kolem roku 980 našeho letopočtu. Náš kdysi mocný král dal přednost míru před blahobytem a výměnou za příměří odkázal našim nepřátelům hromady zlata a rozsáhlá území. Jenže mír je křehká záležitost. Království upadá do chudobya mnoho poddaných již nevěří, že je náš král schopný vůdce. Někteří se dokonce rozhodli...

Mindok - Na Křídlech
€67,46 –20 %

In On the Wings, you'll represent enthusiastic ornithologists, birdwatchers, researchers and collectors trying to attract the most amazing bird specimens to their aviary. The aviary includes three different habitats, and each bird will help develop your bird zoo in a specific area: foraging, laying eggs and attracting new additions to the aviary. The winner of the game is the player who manages...

Mindok - Mars: Teraformace
€55,55 –16 %
Mars: Teraformace
In stock (>5 pcs)

Meziplanetární korporace soutěží v přetváření Marsu na obyvatelnou planetu. Vynakládají obrovské sumy peněz a používají nejnovější technologie, aby zvýšily teplotu, obsah kyslíku v atmosféře a vytvořily oceány vody. Bude to vaše korporace, kdo povede lidstvo do nové éry dějin? Dobývání Rudé planety začíná!

TLAMA games - Paladinové Západního království
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €43,64 –10 %

Hra Paladinové Západního království je zasazena do bouřlivého období Západofranské říše, kolem roku 900 našeho letopočtu. Navzdory nedávným snahám o rozvoj města čelí hraniční osady neustálé vnější hrozbě. Saracéni prozkoumávají hranice, zatímco Vikingové drancují majetek a zvířata. Dokonce i Byzantinci z dalekého východu dávají důvod k obavám.V roli urozených dam a pánů musíte sjednotit své...

Heureka Ověřeno zákazníky