Deskové hry pro děti od 4 let, Page 2


atlant book
–10 %
Moje první dobrodružství: Objevení Atlantidy
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €17,03?  (–10 %)
Mindok - Carcassonne: Děti z Carcassonne
–20 %
Carcassonne: Děti z Carcassonne (druhé vydání)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €27,75?  (–20 %)
nejlepsi nejhorsi zmrzlina vizualizace
–41 %
Nejlepší nejhorší zmrzlina
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €21,80?  (–41 %)
argonauts book
–10 %
Moje první dobrodružství: Na vlnách dobrodružství
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €17,03?  (–10 %)
54944 02.jpg 501x640
–5 %
Záchod - balanční rodinná hra
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €7,50?  (–5 %)
–8 %
Můj první nedobytný hrad
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €22,20?  (–8 %)
Taco, kotě, pizza
–8 %
Taco, kotě, pizza
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €13,86?  (–8 %)
ADC Blackfire - Dobble KIDS
–18 %
Dobble KIDS
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €15,05?  (–18 %)
–14 %
Kvarteto Jurský Svět
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €2,74?  (–14 %)
kacka a matej hledej najdi 8594072743016[1]
–22 %
Matěj a Kačka: hledej & najdi
In stock (3 pcs)
Was: €35,70?  (–22 %)


130 items total
–3 %
Refonte 123 Chiffres

A set of 4 games of increasing difficulty to discover, recognize and play with numbers! Observe, sort, tidy up and learn the concepts of quantity, counting, pairs, etc. One of the basics of learning!  

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
ezgif 3 23e547c645[1]
–4 %
Myster animo

Who will be the fastest to find the odd one out that crept into the image? An introductory game of observation and speed for sharp eagle eyes! Set includes 54 cards (9 scenes x 6 cards per scene). An observation and speed game. Compact, easily portable box. Durable, high-quality cards. Suitable from 4 to 12 years. Warning! Not suitable for children under three years, choking hazard due to small...

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
ezgif 2 8cb7107c54[1]
–2 %
Garden party

Garden Party is a throwing game perfect for a party or picnic. Who wins the most points by getting the most throwing bags into the holes? But remember: the number of points depends on the size of the hole! The bigger the hole, the fewer points... Game variation: the game becomes more challenging when players decide to extend the throwing distance. A timeless classic skill game for children!...

In stock (1 pcs)
2011631002 Haba Cestovna hra pre deti Magicky jednorozec Kvarteto 01[1]
Mini hra v kovové krabici Magický jednorožec Kvarteto

Glitter luck and their unicorn friends play a quartet today! Who does he like to play with? Thanks to its small size, the game is also suitable for traveling. With a little concentration and the right amount of luck, you can get four of a kind to form a quartet. The reward is a cloud crystal. Who can collect the most cloud crystals?Unicorn Glitter Happiness - Friends Quartet by HABA is a...

In stock (4 pcs)
161442 1 2079 2 djeco vyhledavaci puzzle rallye[1]
–5 %
DJECO Vyhledávací puzzle Rallye

54 high quality colourful pieces with beautiful illustrations, from which children will build the main picture of the formula race. The animal drivers try to win the race even the slowest turtle can be the winner in his white formula. Once the pictures are assembled, the next fun step is to locate the individual characters or objects shown in the puzzle picture frame. The picture measures 61 x...

In stock (1 pcs)
Zicke Zacke
–1 %
Zicke Zacke

In Zicke Zacke, all the familiar Zoch critters are hiding behind a wooden fence, a fence comprised of cards, with only parts of their bodies being visible. Each player has a colored dung heap with a number of these cards next to the heap, meaning that these animals are hiding in this colored area. Several animals in hiding might also be placed next to the barn. A "slapping" card for each...

In stock (1 pcs)
59618 LetsLearn Skills CZ
–20 %
Pojďme se učit: Dovednosti
In stock (1 pcs)
vyr 57 52017 U okynka 3D verze 2023[1]
Showroom 3 + 1
U okýnka + promo motorová pila
In stock (1 pcs)
nejlepsi nejhorsi zmrzlina vizualizace
Action Showroom
–41 %
Nejlepší nejhorší zmrzlina

In The Best Worst Ice Cream, player build ice cream cones with wacky flavors such as pizza, eyeballs, and earthworms.

In stock (1 pcs)
chci zpatky sve zoubky vizualizace
Action Showroom
–50 %
Chci zpátky své zoubky

In I Want My Teeth Back, players strategically decide when to spin a wheel for an opportunity to collect missing teeth. The first player to collect a full "mouthful" of the teeth wins.

In stock (1 pcs)
HUCB CZ vizualizace
–23 %
Hoď sebou, slepičí prdelko!

Hurry Up Chicken Butt is akin to a game of "hot potato", but with a chicken-shaped shaker that clucks and holds the dice, with players needing to complete silly challenges in order to pass the chicken.

In stock (1 pcs)
p20 62098 VKH 3 krabice 1 1 215469[1]
–11 %
Vzdělávací kartičkové hry 3
In stock (3 pcs)
p20 62094 VKH 2 krabice web 1 1 213639[1]
–11 %
Vzdělávací kartičkové hry 2
In stock (1 pcs)
p20 62004 vzdelavaci kartickove hry 1 1 1 197168[1]
–11 %
Vzdělávací kartičkové hry 1
In stock (2 pcs)
kacka a matej hledej najdi 8594072743016[1]
–22 %
Matěj a Kačka: hledej & najdi
In stock (3 pcs)
1004478011 Zoo%20pyramida 01[1]
ZOO pyramida CZ/SK - Společenská hra pro děti na rozvoj motoriky

The animals want to show how they can make a tall pyramid! Who can put a penguin on top of a crocodile, a sheep on top of a penguin mountain, a snake on top of a sheep? Number of players: 2-4 people. 

In stock (3 pcs)
1303406006 Karuba%20Junior 01[1]
Karuba junior CZ/SK

Hráči spolu vyrazí na vzrušující hledání pokladů v džungli na ostrově Karuba! Podaří se jim uspořádat karty tak, aby se dostali ke všem pokladem dříve, než na ostrov vpadnou zlí piráti? Hráči budou muset spolupracovat a dávat pozor na tygry, které blokují cesty. Díky dovednosti a kousku štěstí mohou být rychlejší než piráti!

In stock (3 pcs)
Taco, kotě, pizza
–8 %
Taco, kotě, pizza

Taco, kočka, koza, sýr, pizza je bláznivá postřehová karetní hra, ve které neustále opakujete pět slov – ale přitom musíte být bez přestání v pozoru – když se totiž slovo shoduje s právě otočenou kartou, musíte ji zaplácnout dříve než soupeři.

In stock (1 pcs)
3980 cpts 82138[1]
–7 %
Captain Smart - Zakódovaný hrad

Take on the role of a clever wizard who must plan his treasure hunt strategy well before he is caught by a ghost. This simple game for 1 or more players ages 4 and up teaches kids to master the basics of programming without using a computer. Kids can work as a team or individually to practice programming skills. The game uses STEM concepts to develop children's digital competencies and...

In stock (1 pcs)
3962 cpts 64698[1]
–11 %
Captain Smart - Počítání s piráty

Embark on an adventurous voyage and try to capture pirate treasures. An educational addition and subtraction game for 2-4 players aged 4 and up. See how quickly you can learn to add and subtract up to 20. Be smart and perceptive and be the first to get the pirate treasures! Train your memory, concentration and logical thinking. The game is ideal for home, kindergarten and school. The time of...

In stock (1 pcs)
ezgif 2 95ddfb64b6[1]
–20 %
Jazýčky ven!

A memory game with squishy pugs!ACH NO! THE PUGGLES ATE ALL THE LOLLIPOPS!Luckily now their tongues are the color of the lollipop they ate!In each round, you try to match the colored lollipops thrown on the dice with the pugs you think have eaten them. When you gently squeeze the puggles, they stick out their tongues. And no matter how cute they are, they can't get away with this... The winner...

In stock (1 pcs)
BrainBox Football CZ RENDER RF
–15 %
BrainBox - Fotbal

A fun and educational card game dedicated to learning the letters of the alphabet.

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
BrainBox Dinosaurs CZ RENDER RF
–15 %
BrainBox - Dinosauři

A fun and educational card game dedicated to learning the letters of the alphabet.

In stock (1 pcs)
BrainBox Pictures CZ RENDER RF
–15 %
BrainBox - Obrázky

A fun and educational card game dedicated to learning the letters of the alphabet.

In stock (5 pcs)
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