Skybound Games

The Awards Season deck is an expansion for Pitchstorm that adds a brand new mechanic and 100 new Awards cards. These cards are drawn at the start of every round and give every player ridiculous awards categories to aim for as they pitch their movies.

The NC-17 Deck is an expansion for Pitchstorm that includes 100 terribly offensive new characters, plots, and notes that should be immediately buried in the back of your closet and only removed when you have the house to yourself.

The Creature Feature Deck is an expansion for Pitchstorm that adds 100 gruesome new characters, plots, and notes based on classic and popular horror movies. Shuffle these cards into your deck, turn off the lights, and dont forget to check INSIDE THE HOUSE!

Light some candles and get that smooth jazz playing. The Date Night deck is an expansion for Pitchstorm that brings all of the romance and hijinks of romantic comedies to your terrible movie pitches.

A timeless expansion for Pitchstorm. From classic fairytales to Saturday morning cartoons, the Animation Expansion for Pitchstorm adds 100 cards inspired by the best and weirdest animation we’ve seen. Whether you’re a kid at heart or you hate children, this deck will add animated flair to all of your terrible movie pitches.

Earth’s mightiest expansion for Pitchstorm. The Superhero Deck is an expansion for Pitchstorm with 100 new cards inspired by the most profitable genre in the 21st century. So stretch out that spandex suit and grab your least annoying sidekick! We’ve got terrible movies to pitch!

Based on the hit animated series from Robert Kirkman, Corey Walker, and Ryan Ottley, this game puts you in the position of either a hero or an astronaut attempting to escape Mars and make it back to Earth without bringing a world-destroying parasite home with you. No pressure!
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During each round, one player acts as the executive, and everyone else attempts to pitch them movie ideas based on a character card and a plot card. At some point during each pitch, though, the executive may add a note card to the pitch and force the writer to add some really terrible new elements to their movie.At the end of the pitches, the executive chooses which movie they liked the best,...

Pitchstorm is a party card game that puts players in the position of unprepared writers pitching movie ideas to the world's worst executives. During each round, one player acts as the executive, and everyone else attempts to pitch them movie ideas based on a character card and a plot card. At some point during each pitch, though, the executive may add a note card to the pitch and force the...

Chitter me timbers! You are a scurvy squirrel struggling to gather the best collection of nuts. You'll need to bury cards around the island and return for them later in the round. But beware, if you hide too much booty in one spot, it may not be there when you return!

Kiss the Goblin is a party game where you describe how you would react to outrageous situations while trying to communicate a secret alignment.Utilizing the popular tabletop role playing game alignment system, a player will try to share their secret alignment be it Chaotic good, Lawful Evil or other when describing how they’d react in both common settings and fantastical situations.

With our new Travel by Trolley Expansion, we've added 200 new track and modifier cards inspired by vacation destinations around the world and the petty frustrations we face every time we travel. We've spent 2+ years in various levels of hunkering down and it’s time to get out on those tracks and see the world!

Welcome, young heroes! Many brave contestants have signed up for the tournament, but only a handful of them will be chosen to join the Tideblades, the elite guardians of our island realm. To succeed in the Tournament and be selected as Tideblades, you must compete in challenges held in three arenas, climb to the top of the Champions' Board, and protect the realm from the ever-growing threat of...

The mirror is broken, madness is disappearing from the inhabitants, and war is coming to Wonderland. Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, and the Cheshire Cat must gather everything they can and have a nice little tea party at the Mad Hatter's tea party before they go into battle in the war in Wonderland!

Vítejte, mladí hrdinové! Již mnoho udatných se účastnilo našeho turnaje, avšak jen hrstka bude mít tu čest přidat se k Tidal Blades, elitní stráži naší ostrovní říše! Abyste uspěli, musíte uspět v disciplínách ve třech arénách. Probojovat se až na samý vrchol a posléze ochránit říši před stvůrami z tajemného Foldu.

Rodinná blafovací karetní hra určená pro všechny milovníky blafování a zvířátek!

Help Pebble, Oscar, Hamish, and Elvis on a daring high seas adventure of package delivery! Guide them through swift currents, sharks, and pirates as you race to deliver much-needed cargo to the remote islands around Pebble Rock.

Jeden hráč je řidič tramvaje a musí se rozhodnout, kterou ze dvou kolejí vyšle nezastavitelnou tramvaj, čímž zabije všechny na trati. Ostatní hráči se rozdělí na dva týmy a budou se snažit řidiče přesvědčit, aby ušetřil jejich kolej a zabil všechny na té druhé koleji. Trial by Trolley R-Rated Modifier je expanze pro hru Trial by Trolley, která přidává 100 opravdu morbidních karet tratí,...

In Trial by Trolley, one player acts as the Trolley Operator and must choose where to send a murderous, out of control, trolley. Every other player at the table plays cards and argues in order to convince the operator to spare their lives and condemn everyone on the other track to a gruesome death-by-trolley. This dirty expansion for Trial by Trolley adds 100 awful R-Rated modifiers to...
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