In Up to the Mountains! you use all your previous profits and invest them in new technologies. Deep in the Rocky Mountains, your workers will build incredible structures from scaffolding and machinery, improve their skills and mine resources. You'll also have a fleet of airships at your disposal. The melting snow in the mountains will start to cause you and your opponents a lot of trouble as the game progresses. The ever-rising water level will threaten the workers and increase the tension on the dynamically changing playing field.
The resources you are allowed to mine are determined by what players build. Each game therefore evolves differently, ensuring infinite replayability. In order to win the game, you must choose wisely between acquiring new abilities and upgrading your airships and workers, or building a variety of machines as quickly as possible.
"Up the Mountain! is full of ideas I've never seen in a game before!" -Tom Vasel, The Dice Tower
The game is designed for 2-4 players ages 14 and up.
Rules are in English. Game material is in English.
The game can be conveniently wrapped with our packaging Diamond Standard.
Number and size of cards: 40 pcs 63,5x88 mm, |
The game contains:
1 game plan
1 game rules
8 water bars
4 player boards
24 upgrades
22 awards
40 cards
42 scaffolds
36 workers
54 machines
4 wooden zeppelins
4 wooden hot air balloons
4 wooden sky colossi
80 wooden raw materials
17 initial abilities
92 victory point tokens
Rules for download (50 MB)
Review ENG: