Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Hand in your cards all at once to collect 7 sets as quickly as possible! First come, first served. Pack includes: 80 character cards, 32 objective cards, 4 card feeders, 4 rubber fish and rules. 15 x 26 x 10 cm Suitable for ages 5 and up
Additional parameters
Category: | Board Games |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Core game |
? 2. Minimum age: | 5 |
? 3. Game language: | Without text |
? 4. Rulebook language: | Czech |
? 5. Minimum players: | 2 |
? 6. Maximum players: | 4 |
Typ hry: | Rodinná |
EAN: | 5900511025934 |

Elite Trainer Box Card Game Pokémon Sets SV04 Paradox Rift

Safari Splash! is a game for 2-6 players ages 8+, that plays in just 90 seconds. At the beginning of the game each player gets a reminder card and a scoring card (there are 4 different levels of scoring, of increasing complexity). The 120 safari cards are randomized and placed face down in a disorganized pile, within the reach of all players.

Marvel: Crisis Protocol je desková hra s platovými miniaturami hrdinů z universa Marvel. Hráči sestavují, malují a sbírají tyto miniatury, z který si potom sestaví svůj vysněný tým a pošlou ho do bitvy proti ostatním hráčům. Hra probíhá na interaktivní ploše, kde se můžou jednotlivé části házet, rozbít nebo úplně zničit během ničivého střetnutí.

Worlds collide as the frozen world and modern New York come together. In the calamity, Shredder is trying to raise an army of Zombies. It’s up to the Turtles to put a stop to him.

New Calendar tile Promo for Windmill Valley.

Mentor’s head hung low as he entered the room. There was a sadness in his voice when he spoke. “Worthy companions, we must act fast. The Witch Lord is not dead! He has managed to find refuge in the fallen city of Kalos. Long ago, the city was destroyed by Morcar and given to the Witch Lord to rule. Beneath the ruins, the Witch Lord built for himself a great stronghold, for the light of day was...

Legend tells of the abandoned Spectral Manor coming to life at the stroke of midnight on a Crimson Moon — an event that rarely takes place more than once per century. On that night and that night alone, in certain rooms vast treasures appear, granting unspeakable wealth to those brave enough to find and claim them. But those who enter this mansion do so at their peril as some rooms awaken...

Exploding Kittens is a feline version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns taking turns to draw cards until someone receives an exploding kitten and loses the game. However, the deck of cards consists of cards that allow you to avoid the explosion, for example by being able to look at the cards before taking them, forcing your opponent to take several cards at once or shuffling the deck.
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