The Deadpool expansion brings you three incredible variants of Merc with a Mouth, as well as his not-so-loyal sidekick Bob, agent of Hydra! You can play all of these very unusual characters either as heroes or as villains! Deadpool is not content to be just a hero and an unbeatable villain, but in every game he can also burst in on his plush unicorn in the form of Challenge, spreading chaos...
Introducing a brand new way to build your Robo Rally Courses! TheMaster BuilderExpansioncontains new 6x6 grid boards which allow for crazy course shapes andendless opportunity. This expansion also adds Factory Floor Tokens which are individualgrid spaces with various elements on them. These tokens can be placed onto the boardfor excitingcourse customization! These expansion boards and tokens...
Bloodstones is a war fantasy game for one to six players, which features six different races, each with its own specific abilities. Each of the six races in the game Bloodstones has its own mix of units, represented by domino-shaped tiles. Some of these units are unique to a particular race, such as dragons for Dragon Riders and giants for Highlanders.
The Wet & Wild expansion drenches your Robo Rally games with three new double-sidedgame boards featuring new elements like water spaces, ledges and ramps, and crushers! Also includes 5 brand new Upgrade cards!
Captain Jessica Kowalski's crew has been offered another offer from the Corporation. Apparently, a ship carrying a precious load vanished a few weeks ago. The mission was simple: locate the ship, assess the situation and make sure the cargo reaches Earth. However, the last log entry was rather unsettling. She recorded: the AI of the ship detected alien lifeforms, labelled Intruders, aboard....
This is an exclusive add-on that has been provided by the publisher for our e-shop only. We have limited quantities and will not restock it.
A colorful journey through Unconscious Mind awaits you!
Crossbows & Catapults: Fortress War is a restoration of Crossbows and Catapults, the 1983 classic game of kinetic warfare. Each player builds their castle, then players take turns using their weapons to fire discs at their opponent's castle, trying to knock over their warrior figures.
The Plot Thickens is a storytelling game for quick-thinking, imaginative folks just like you and your friends. The object is to take your hand of story cards, (people, places and things) and lay out the tale of your character, and their fate! You’ll earn plot points for every card you use to build your story, and every time you interweave with other’s narratives.The storyteller with the most...
In the game Archa Nova you will be designing and building a modern, scientifically managed zoo. You will be constructing enclosures for animals based on their needs, populating them with animals, and supporting conservation projects to preserve diverse animal species, so that your zoo becomes the most successful and renowned.
Ark Nova: Marine Worlds, an expansion for Ark Nova, introduces multiple new elements to the game, such as sea animals that each have to be played in new special enclosures that must be built adjacent to water.
300 pcs of card sleeves 63.5x88 mm Standard Green
Set of sleeves for the game Archa Nova. We have verified the dimensions and quantity for you in advance, and thanks to our sleeves, you can easily sleeve your entire game with high-quality Diamond sleeves. You can sleeve the entire base game with them.
High-quality Diamond sleeves directly from us, the Czech manufacturer and...
Napínavá karetní hra. V přístavu Port Royal je pořádně živo a vy doufáte, že se vám podaří obchod vašeho života. Neriskujte však příliš, nikdy nevíte, kde narazíte na piráty! Vydělané peníze musíte chytře investovat, abyste si zajistili přízeň guvernéra a admirálů a najali do svých služeb další užitečné pomocníky. Jen tak bude váš vliv vzrůstat a vy si budete moci dovolit podniknout dobrodružné...
Napínavá karetní hra. V přístavu Port Royal je pořádně živo a vy doufáte, že se vám podaří obchod vašeho života. Neriskujte však příliš, nikdy nevíte, kde narazíte na piráty! Vydělané peníze musíte chytře investovat, abyste si zajistili přízeň guvernéra a admirálů a najali do svých služeb další užitečné pomocníky. Jen tak bude váš vliv vzrůstat a vy si budete moci dovolit podniknout dobrodružné...
A set of four modular expansions and a wooden start player token for Villagers, included with the Kickstarter edition of the game.
"Scoundrels" adds 9 new villagers.
"Saints" adds 5 new villagers.
"Profiteers" adds 8 new villagers and a new scoring mechanism.
"Developments" adds building 12 cards and 3 colour printed wooden tokens which add an extra scoring opportunity to the game.
Jako zakladatel vesnice budete zvát lidi ze všech oblastí, aby žili a pracovali ve Vaší rozšiřující se komunitě. Pokud můžete najímat ty správné lidi, abyste vytvořili lukrativní výrobní řetězce a zároveň vyvažovali svou produkci potravin a budování kapacit, vaše vesnice se stane nejvíce prosperující a vy vyhrajete hru!
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
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