Sell your old games to the bazaar and get a credit voucher for new games. Plus, get a one-time 10% discount on games from TLAMA games!

Want to sell your game to us? Here's how to do it!


1) What do you want to sell?
Email us at with your date of birth to confirm your age of majority and a list of the games you want to sell, including their condition, according to the following key:

A - Unwrapped game (new).
B - Unwrapped game with no visible signs of wear.
C - Visible signs of wear but still complete.
D - Significantly damaged game with no effect on gameplay, but still complete.
E - Incomplete or extremely damaged game affecting playability.

We also recommend attaching photos of the game to the email to avoid a claim from us when the announced level of wear and tear does not match the actual condition.

2) What do we say?
Wait for a reply (within 2 working days) on what games we will buy from you and what we offer in return. If you agree with our offer, proceed to point 3).

3) Bring or send the confirmed games.
You may either bring such confirmed games to us for redemption in person at a TLAMA games store, or use any branch of the Parcel Service and send the games to us for a fee of £40 (which will be deducted from the total redemption value of the games). Alternatively, you can send them at your own expense by other means.

4) Issuing a receipt.
We will issue the redemption tax receipt for you and send it to you by email.

5) Get a credit voucher.
In the case of a personal redemption (when you agree on pricing terms electronically in advance), you will receive a voucher on hold. If you send the games by Parcel Post, you will get the voucher within 2 working days of the games arriving with us.

6) Shop for credit!
You can use the voucher to purchase any item in our e-shop. The voucher is valid for 3 months. In addition, you will also get a one-time voucher for 10% discount on games and accessories from the publisher TLAMA games!


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