
Accessories – Wholesale

Offer of our original accessories that we distribute. Here you will find inserts, card covers, binders, card boxes, dice, coins, replacement scoring pads, 3D print tokens and resources and other components.


TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x88 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x88 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,58?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Azure: European Mini (45x68 mm)
–10 %
Card sleeves Diamond Azure: European Mini (45x68 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,18?  (–10 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Purple: American Standard (56x87 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Purple: American Standard (56x87 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,58?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Yellow: American Mini (41x63 mm)
–10 %
Card sleeves Diamond Yellow: American Mini (41x63 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,18?  (–10 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Bronze: "7 Wonders" (65x100 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Bronze: "7 Wonders" (65x100 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,98?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Orange: Chimera Standard (57,5x89 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Orange: Chimera Standard (57,5x89 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,58?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Blue: European Standard (59x92 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Blue: European Standard (59x92 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,58?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Gold: "Dixit" (80x120 mm)
–9 %
Card sleeves Diamond Gold: "Dixit" (80x120 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,98?  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Obaly na karty Diamond Red: Chimera Mini (43x66 mm)
–10 %
Card sleeves Diamond Red: Chimera Mini (43x66 mm) (80 mikronů, 100 ks)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €2,18?  (–10 %)


169 items total
ideal box xl transparentni cervena
–20 %
Plastový pořadač - Ideal Box XL (transparentní/červená) (285 x 212 x 47 mm)

Plastový organizér IDEAL BOX s variabilním uspořádáním vnitřních přepážek. Vnitřní prostor boxu je rozdělen na 3 řady dlouhé téměř 26 cm; dvě řady mají šířku cca 7,2 cm, jedna 3,7 cm; vnitřní výška krabičky činí cca 4 cm; díky variabilním přepážkám lze box rozdělit až na 48 totožných políček.

1 week
ideal box l transparentni sv modra (5)
–11 %
Plastový pořadač - Ideal Box L (transparentní/sv. modrá) (210 x 141 x 46 mm)

Plastic organiser IDEAL BOX with variable arrangement of internal dividers.

1 week
vyr 31680 Ideal Box Plastovy organizer L 01
–11 %
Plastový pořadač - Ideal Box L (transparentní/červená) (210 x 141 x 46 mm)

Plastic organiser IDEAL BOX with variable arrangement of internal dividers.

1 week
–7 %
Kutná Hora: The City of Silver Insert - FOD

Evacore memory foam organiser with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with Kutná Hora: The City of Silver

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
760006 3645302 16 48 11 preview
Our Product
Measuring Card for Diamond Card Sleeves

Set of sleeves for the game Measuring Card. The high quality Diamond sleeves, made by us, TLAMA Games, the Czech manufacturer and publisher. We're gamers ourselves, and we know you want your sleeves strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that are among the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro range of covers,...

In stock (>5 pcs)
–10 %
Architects of the West Kingdom Collector's Box® Insert Insert: Architekti Západního království

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. It is independently compatible with: Architects of the West Kingdom Collector's Box®, including expansions Age of Artisans® and Works of Wonder®.

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
–10 %
Viscounts of the West Kingdom Collector's Box® Insert Insert: Vikomti Západního království

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. It is independently compatible with: Viscounts of the West Kingdom Collector's Box®, including expansions Gates of Gold® and Keeper of Keys®

In stock (5 pcs)
–10 %
Call to Adventure Insert

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. It is fully compatible with any game from the Call to Adventure® series, including Call to Adventure: Epic Origins® and Call to Adventure®: The Stormlight Archive®.

In stock (>5 pcs)
–10 %
Undaunted: Stalingrad Insert v2 - ALT

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Undaunted: Stalingrad.

In stock (>5 pcs)
–10 %
Imperial Steam Insert

Made of Evacore memory foam, 5 mm. Compatible with: Imperial Steam  

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
–10 %
Tiletum Insert

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Tiletum

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
–47 %
Tapestry Insert - ALT

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Tapestry and expansions Plans & Ploys, Arts & Architecture and Fantasies & Futures.

In stock (3 pcs)
–9 %
Fantastic Factories Insert - ALT

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Fantastic Factories and expansions Manufactions and Subterfuge

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Lacrimosa Insert  - 7WO (7 Divů světa)
–7 %
Lacrimosa Insert - 7WO (7 Divů světa)

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Lacrimosa®

In stock (5 pcs)
–10 %
Great Western Trail (Second Edition) Insert (7 divů světa - 2 edice)

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. For the second edition Great Western Trail. Compatible with: Rails to the North (Second Edition)®

In stock (>5 pcs)
–10 %
Paladins of the West Kingdom Collector's Box Insert Insert: Paladinové Západního království Collector's Box

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Paladins of the West Kingdom Collector's Box (Paladins of the West Kingdom), including the expansion Nobles' Estates.

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
–10 %
Clank! In! Space! Insert Insert: Břink! Ve vesmíru!: Velká galaktická loupež

Memory foam Evacore Organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Clank! In! Space!®, Cyber Station 11®, Apocalypse!®,  and Clank! In! Space! Adventures: Pulsarcade®.

In stock (5 pcs)
–10 %
Boonlake Insert

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Boonlake

In stock (1 pcs)
Rallyman: DIRT Insert
–10 %
Rallyman: DIRT Insert

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Rallyman: DIRT®, including expansions 110%®, Climb®, Co-Pilot Pack®, R4®, R5® and Rx®

In stock (3 pcs)
Rallyman: GT Insert
–7 %
Rallyman: GT Insert

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Rallyman: GT®, including expansions Championship®, Team Challenge®, World Tour®, GT4®, GT5®, and Adrenaline Pack®

In stock (1 pcs)
–10 %
Pán prstenů: Putování po Středozemi - Válečné tažení insert Insert: The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with Journeys in Middle-Earth: Spreading War®  

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
–10 %
Dominant Species insert

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Dominant Species®

In stock (1 pcs)
folded space insert organizer star wars outer rim unfinished business[1]
–10 %
Star Wars: Vnější okraj + rozšíření insert Insert: Star Wars: Outer Rim + expansion

Memory foam Evacore organizer with a thickness of 5 mm. Compatible with: Star Wars: Outer Rim®, including the Unfinished Business® expansion

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
image (1)
–10 %
Anachrony: Essential Edition Insert

Insert is compatible with Anachrony Essential Edition®. The design ensures efficient storage and better playability. Many of the compartments can be used during the game and significantly facilitate setup and cleanup time.

Unknown Availability (Ordered)
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