Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Officially licensed Pokémon Trading Card Game accessory
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.8 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | Dřevo |
EAN: | 074427157753 |

Tired of chasing decks of cards around the table? Especially if the cards are wrapped, the stacks don't stick together well. Card binders are used to conveniently scoop cards directly from the decks, so there's no risk of scattering cards across the table. The binder holds 65 unwrapped cards per deck (if you wrap it will be slightly less depending on the thickness of the sleeves). This item...

Barva Citadel Layer světle fialově šedá Barvy Citadel Layer jsou standardní barvy pro detailní práci a vrstvení. Objem 12ml barvy Citadel jsou akrylátové, vodou ředitelné barvy určené pro použití na modely
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Witcher markers replace the wooden dice and shields in the original game.

The wooden dice tower is not only practical, but also a stylish addition to your play. Its usefulness will be especially appreciated in games where you throw more dice, then you don't have to chase them around the board.
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