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Product detailed description
Obaly na karty Mini American od firmy Sapphire mají rozměry 41 x 63 mm a jsou specialně designovány pro hry s malými kartami amerického typu, jako jsou Arkham Horror či Twilight Imperium. Tyto obaly jsou o 50% pevnější než běžné obaly např. Ultra Pro Economy nebo Blackfire.
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Pcs. per package: | 100 ks |
? Maximum card size: | 41x63 mm |
? Thickness: | 60 mikronů |
Materiál: | polypropylen |
Maximální rozměr: | 41x63 mm |
Kusů v balení: | 100 ks |
Tloušťka: | 60 mikronů |
EAN: | 8033324549049 |

Prepare your Dark Souls for heavy encounters and don't let death scare you!e-Raptor Insert compatible with Dark Souls is your must-have accessory designed to organize and improve the experience of the gameplay.Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary elements during...
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Compatible with On Mars (2020) Supports Alien Invasion Expansion and Upgrade Pack Supports 80 micron thick card sleeves (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.)
![986 3 photoroom 003 20250219 200409[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/91345_986-3-photoroom-003-20250219-200409-1.jpg?67d1df65
Supports the Heavy Rain and Tunnel Vision expansions. It has room for a 3rd expansion.

Compatible with SETI (2024) Supports 80 micron thick card sleeves (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.)
![876 photoroom 001 20240318 183749[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/74788_876-photoroom-001-20240318-183749-1.jpg?660e6e8a
Compatible with Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) Supports 80 micron thick card sleeves (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.) Includes 5x game boardMaterial: PETG (compared to typical PLA, it is not subject to UV rays, embrittlement and has higher strength). Printed in Light Brown, Black, Dark Grey and Light Grey. If you have a special request for a...
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