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Product detailed description
Obaly na karty Standard European od firmy Sapphire mají rozměry 59 x 92 mm a jsou speciálně designovány pro větší karty z her jako jsou Agricola, Dominion, Battlelore či San Juan, ale i spoustu dalších. S nimi budou mít vaše karty tu správnou pevnou ochranu a navíc nebudou v obalech plavat. Nutnost pro všechny, kdo chtějí udržet své hry dlouho jako nové. Tyto obaly jsou o 50% pevnější než běžné obaly např. Ultra Pro Economy nebo Blackfire.
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.1 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Pcs. per package: | 100 ks |
? Maximum card size: | 59x92 mm |
? Thickness: | 60 mikronů |
Materiál: | polypropylen |
Maximální rozměr: | 59x92 mm |
Kusů v balení: | 100 ks |
Tloušťka: | 60 mikronů |
EAN: | 8033324549025 |

Compatible insert with the game: Clank! Catacombs + Lairs and Lost Chambers The insert is printed using a 3D printer and is designed to make all the components fit perfectly, but also to be easy to remove. It speeds up preparation, harvesting (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows for safer storage of game components. This is not an officially licensed product.
![387 1 insert great western trail argentina[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/57362_387-1-insert-great-western-trail-argentina-1.jpg?63f5fd33
Compatible insert with Great Western Trail - Argentina The insert is printed using a 3D printer and is designed to make all the components fit perfectly, but also to be easy to remove. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the game flow and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product.
![375 4 1st photo[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/56732_375-4-1st-photo-1.jpg?63e0f6a2
Printed using a 3D printer, the insert is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product. The dimensions of the...
![318 1 insert great western trail 2nd edition[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/52698_318-1-insert-great-western-trail-2nd-edition-1.jpg?63357277
Compatible insert with the game: Great Western Trail 2nd Edition The insert is printed using a 3D printer and is designed to make all the components fit perfectly, but also to be easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the game flow and allows a safer storage of the game components. This...

Compatible insert with the game: The Vale of Eternity The insert is printed using a 3D printer and is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for sleeved cards. It speeds up preparation, harvesting (by a few minutes) but also the game flow and allows a safer storage of game components.
![939 insert krysy z wistaru[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/77786_939-insert-krysy-z-wistaru-1.jpg?664e22ae
Compatible insert with the game: Rats of Wistar + promo set of objective cards + promo set of mouse guests The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly but also take out easily. It speeds up preparation, harvesting (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows for safer storage of game components. This is not an officially...

Compatible insert with the game: Insert: Zombicide: Green Horde The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly but also take out easily. It speeds up preparation, harvesting (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows for safer storage of game components. This is not an officially licensed product. Due to reprints or...
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