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Product detailed description
Organizér z paměťové pěny Evacore o tloušťce 5 mm.
Kompatibilní s: Near and Far a rozšířením Amber Mines
Zrychluje přípravu a průběh hry a umožňuje bezpečnější skladování herních komponent.
Vhodné pro vydání s vnějším rozměrem krabice: 29,7 x 29,7 x 7,3 cm.
K sestavení je potřeba PVA lepidlo.
Video k Folded Space insertům v angličtině:
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.5 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | paměťová pěna |
Tloušťka desky: | 5 mm |
EAN: | 3800500972329 |
e-Raptor Wyrmspan is your must-have accessory designed to organize and improve the experience of the gameplay.Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary elements during the game.Moreover, when the box is closed, the components are still kept in order, ready for...
High quality card sleeves directly from us, the Czech manufacturer and publisher TLAMA Games. We're gamers ourselves, we value gaming cards and we know that if you're already buying covers, you want them to be strong, durable and comfortable to handle. That's why we're bringing you covers that can rank up there with the world's best in quality. They're stronger than the Blackfire or UltraPro...
Game Supplementary Material for Ready, Set, Bet!
Spare part for the plastic organizer IDEAL BOX XL, which is included 3 times as far as the basic box assembly is concerned.
Insert Gaia Project + The Lost Fleet is your must-have accessory designed to organize and enhance the game experience. Insert has been tested on sleeved cards! Yes, the insert can fit sleeves from our publisher TLAMA games! Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary...
Game supplementary material for Maple Valley
Plastový organizér Super Box s variabilním uspořádáním vnitřních přepážek. Vnitřní prostor boxu je rozdělen na 3 řady dlouhé 20 cm; všechny tři řady mají šířku cca 3,8 cm; vnitřní výška krabičky činí cca 4 cm; díky variabilním přepážkám lze box rozdělit až na 21 totožných políček.
Insert High Frontier + 6. player with unwrapped Race for Fame and Space Diamonds cards is your must-have accessory designed to organize and enhance the game experience. Thanks to our insert you can arrange all game components and sleeved cards to keep them in order – no more mess on the table while playing. No more looking for necessary elements during the game.
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