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Product detailed description
Organizér z paměťové pěny Evacore o tloušťce 5 mm.
Kompatibilní s: Terraforming Mars a rozšířeními Hellas & Elysium, Venuše (Venus Next), Předehra (Prelude) a Kolonie (Colonies) a Neklid (Turmoil).
Popis pro umístění rozšíření do insertu včetně pátého najdete na oficiální stránce výrobce: https://www.foldedspace.net/store/terraforming-mars/
Zrychluje přípravu a průběh hry a umožňuje bezpečnější skladování herních komponent.
Vhodné pro vydání s vnějším rozměrem krabice: 29,5 x 29,5 x 7,1 cm.
K sestavení je potřeba PVA lepidlo.
Video k Folded Space insertům v angličtině:
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.7 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | paměťová pěna |
Tloušťka desky: | 5 mm |
EAN: | 3800500972619 |

The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product. Dimensions of the...
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The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product. We recommend...
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The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product. Dimensions of the...
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Printed using a 3D printer, the insert is designed to make all the components fit perfectly, but also easy to remove. Additionally, this insert is designed to fit wrapped cards as well. It speeds up preparation, harvesting (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows for safer storage of game components. This is not an officially licensed product. The dimensions of the insert...
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Box for 19+1pcs of our grids for Karak II box size: 254x103x66,5mm (product may not be compatible with other manufacturers' grilles!) (product does not include grids)
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The insert is printed using a 3D printer, it is designed so that all the components fit perfectly, but are also easy to remove. In addition, this insert is also designed for wrapped cards. It speeds up the preparation, the folding (by a few minutes) but also the flow of the game and allows a safer storage of the game components. This is not an officially licensed product. Dimensions of the...
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