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Product detailed description
KeyForge Gemini Deck Box je speciálně navržená krabička pro KeyForge karty, schopná pojmout celý balíček i pokud jsou karty v obalech. Narozdíl od Aries Deck Boxu obsahuje také přihrádku, kam si hráči mohou uschovat své Æmber, Keys nebo jiné extra předměty. Alternativně může také sloužit pro uskladnění druhého balíčku karet. Zaklapovací víčko může být otevřeno až do úhlu 180° pro snadný přístup. V balíčku je nálepka pro popsání s sada nálepek pro vyzdobení.
Vyrobeno bez použití PVC.
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.02 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | Plast |
Tloušťka desky: | |
EAN: | 4251715400234 |

Plastic organiser IDEAL BOX with variable arrangement of internal dividers.

Barva Citadel Dry žlutá. Barvy Citadel Dry jsou svou hustotou speciálně určeny na techniku drybrushing. Objem 12ml barvy Citadel jsou akrylátové, vodou ředitelné barvy určené pro použití na modely

Set of colorful gaming tokens for the game Cat Club (set of 60 pieces).

The goal gate is an aesthetic addition to the Heat game. It is combinable with tracks from both the base game and the Heavy Rain expansion. Material: PLA
![4206 1 witcher zaklinac mince 02[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/69356_4206-1-witcher-zaklinac-mince-02-1.jpg?65426e46
Immerse yourself in the world of The Witcher with our in-game coins that will help you create the right atmosphere. The coins are made of high quality PLA material and are coloured according to the respective metal. Each coin features a symbol of one of the Witcher schools: a snake, a wolf or a cat.
![3982 zelena planeta insert 05[1]](https://cdn.myshoptet.com/usr/www.tlamagames.com/user/shop/detail/69374_3982-zelena-planeta-insert-05-1.jpg?65427620
The Green Planet Insert can also hold Deluxe components and promo cards. It consists of a total of 10 parts and each game component has its own special place. This speeds up the preparation and folding of the game back into the box. The insert can of course hold both unwrapped and wrapped cards. Material. This is not an officially licensed accessory. Original components are for...

The wooden dice tower is not only practical, but also a stylish addition to your play. Its usefulness will be especially appreciated in games where you throw more dice, then you don't have to chase them around the board.

The card racks for Heat are shaped like a spoiler, the colour scheme complements the game and the size matches the limit of cards in your hand. Combined with the gear, they make an ideal set for any racing madman. Material: PLA
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