Vybráno pro Vás

Product detailed description
Material: Evacore Foam.
Compatible with: Dune Imperium
Speeds up game setup and gameplay and allows for safer storage of game components.
Insert compatible with Dune Imperium®, including Dune: Imperium - Rise of Ix® and Deluxe Upgrade Pack® content. The construction allows for efficient storage and enhanced gameplay.
Many of the trays can be used during the game and significantly facilitate setup and cleanup time. There is space for all cards that can be sleeved with quality sleeves.
Two large card trays are sized for cards in sleeves. The first of the two trays is designed for cards from the Imperial deck and can be placed on the table next to the game board to create a draw deck for the Imperial track.
As mentioned above, all trays can be used during the game to organize components and provide easy access for all players.
When packing the box, first place the CHOAM overlay board on top of the leader card tray. Then add the rulebooks on top of it. Finally, place the game board and the Ix board on top. This will completely fill the box and allow for vertical storage of the game.
FS-DUNIMP is unofficial third-party game accessory. All trademarks and copyrights remain the property of their respective owners, who are not affiliated or connected with Folded Space EOOD in any way.
This product consists of flat-packed 6 Evacore boards. The trays require assembly, which is quick and fun, using common PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the packaging.
Weight: 700 g
Packaging dimensions: Dimensions: 25.5 x 35.5 x 3.3 cm
Material: Material: Evacore boards
Additional parameters
Category: | Accessories |
Weight: | 0.7 kg |
? 1. Core Game / Expansion: | Accessory |
Materiál: | paměťová pěna |

Stitched neoprene playmat size 120 x 90 cm (approx. 4x3 feet), various designs variations.

Terén pro vaše RPG. Nenabarveno, nesloženo.

Set of metal coins for board games or RPG. Total 50 PCs: 25 PCs value 1, 15 PCs value 5 and 10 PCs value 20.

20 kousků terénu pro vaše RPG.

This set contains enough pieces to furnish a gothic manor. The scale is 28-30mm, making them perfect for many fantasy and historical games. The pieces are cast in high-quality plastic and are preassembled, ready to play straight out of the box.Contents:36x prebuilt plastic terrain piecesPlease Note:Miniatures supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.

This set contains enough pieces to furnish a bathroom and kitchen in any gothic setting. The scale is 28- 30mm, making them perfect for many fantasy and historical games. The pieces are cast in high-quality plastic and are preassembled, ready to play straight out of the box.Contents:15x prebuilt plastic terrain piecesPlease Note:Miniatures supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
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