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Celebrate the 6th birthday of TLAMA games with us! But you get the gift.

Choose 3 games from the following birthday offer and get the cheapest one in your cart for free!

You can also use this offer on multiple of the same game in one order.

The offer is valid until 21.10.2024 or while stocks last.


mockup vzor
€37,68 –9 %
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €37,68  (–9 %)
€22,59 –10 %
Čtyřmi slovy!
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €22,59  (–10 %)
mockup vzor
€15,45 –10 %
Was: €15,45  (–10 %)
for sale box
€15,45 –10 %
Na Prodej
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €15,45  (–10 %)
ptaci napeti krabice
€29,74 –9 %
Was: €29,74  (–9 %)
mockup ex
€15,84 –10 %
Was: €15,84  (–10 %)
Cáklé s
€14,89 –9 %
Cáklé safari (Safari Splash Czech)
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €14,89  (–9 %)
TLAMA games - Nájezdníci ze Skýtie
€35,70 –10 %
Was: €35,70  (–10 %)
€19,81 –9 %
Mazec ale vůbec
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €19,81  (–9 %)
mockup vzor
FREEFREE €65,48 –27 %
Was: €65,48  (–27 %)
58 items total
mockup vzor
Action Our Product Showroom
€37,68 –9 %
In stock (>5 pcs)

In the game Leaf, players embody the wind by guiding leaves to the forest floor and connecting them to the ones that have already fallen. Each leaf you touch will grant you actions to create a thriving forest. Attract woodland animals, grow mushrooms, lead helpful squirrels up the great tree, and gain additional leaf cards and sun tokens by strategically placing leaves. The player who...

Our Product Showroom
€22,59 –10 %
Čtyřmi slovy!
In stock (>5 pcs)

So Clover! is a cooperative word-association game. Play as a team to get the highest score. Get Keywords and secretly write their common features on your Clover board; these are your Clues. Then work together to try to figure out each player’s Keywords. At the end of the game, add up your score according to how many Keywords you found and write it in the Record of Legends. Try to beat your...

mockup vzor
Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom
€15,45 –10 %

It's Mice time! Take turns revealing and moving the tiles. Place the cats in your clan wisely and catch your prey to win the game. But... beware of dogs!

for sale box
Our Product Showroom
€15,45 –10 %
Na Prodej
In stock (>5 pcs)

What's your bid? Bid on promising property bundles, then sell properties for checks. 

ptaci napeti krabice
Our Product Showroom
€29,74 –9 %

Everyone loves a good selfie and birds are no exception! These birds happily hop from wire to wire before immortalizing their poses in crazy and clever snapshots.

mockup ex
Our Product Showroom
€15,84 –10 %

The Season of the Bear expansion offers three advanced play modes that can be added to the game Leaf. Animal Allies give each player a unique ability they can use throughout the game. Season Events add extra scoring conditions to each Frost. The Greater Animals affect the whole forest, giving each player an effect they can use once per game.

Cáklé s
Our Product Showroom
€14,89 –9 %

Safari Splash! is a game for 2-6 players ages 8+, that plays in just 90 seconds. At the beginning of the game each player gets a reminder card and a scoring card (there are 4 different levels of scoring, of increasing complexity). The 120 safari cards are randomized and placed face down in a disorganized pile, within the reach of all players.

TLAMA games - Nájezdníci ze Skýtie
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
€35,70 –10 %

Fierce warriors and warrior women. Masters of the sword, axe and bow. Despite their derogatory nicknames, they were not just mindless brutes. Their craftsmen were renowned goldsmiths. They could make light and durable leather armour. Hundreds of years ahead of their time, they invented the reflective bow. They domesticated eagles and taught them to hunt and fight. They're even said to be the...

Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
€19,81 –9 %
Mazec ale vůbec
In stock (>5 pcs)

The goal of the game is to respond to a dilemma by accepting it... or not!Example: "You can choose the weather BUT as soon as you fart your nose bleeds".The other players, to score points, will have to guess if you accept the dilemma... or not. The mechanics are very simple and even if only one player will have to answer the question, all players play at the same time trying to guess what he...

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €65,48 –27 %

Trolls & Princesses is a “worker movement” game. You play as one of four troll clans and to get the mountains king’s favour, you try to impress him. The players get favour (in the form of victory points) when they do what trolls usually do: swap changelings, “hire” humans, tear down church bells, kidnap princesses, build their cave, and use troll magic. To succeed, the players must collect...

mockup vzor
Action Our Product
FREEFREE €79,37 –10 %

The Looking Glass has shattered, madness is being drained from the inhabitants, and war has come to Wonderland. Alice, Mad Hatter, Red Queen, and Jabberwock must gather all that they can while playing nice at the Hatter's Tea Party before going to battle in Wonderland's War!

Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
€25,77 –9 %

Passengers is a game of tactical communication, about knowing when to share information and when to remain silent. When to be honest and when to bluff in order for your team to win.

savernake forest mockup(1)
Our Product Showroom
€15,45 –10 %

Autumn is coming to an end in the Savernake Forest (Podzimní syslení)… Help the animals gather and store food for the winter! Podzimní syslení (Czech edition of Savernake forest) is a game where 2-4 players build their own section of the forest with paths where animals and food will appear. To get the highest score, players must ensure that on each path the animals can collect their favorite food.

aog box@1,5x@1,5x
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
€24,98 –10 %

Galaktické aliance (Age of Galaxy Czech) is a strategic game in the line of Age of Civilization. This pocket-sized 4X game places you in control of an interstellar alliance consist of 3 factions with unique powers. You could explore systems, colonize planets, research technologies, build galactic cruisers, and much more.

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €75,40 –10 %

Intensive thematic game with simple rules on the border of 4x and deckbuilding based on a successful video game!

mockup vzor
Our Product Essen 2024 Showroom 2 + 1
FREEFREE €45,62 –10 %

Koruna z popela (Czech edition of Crown of Ash )is a strategic worker placement and area control game for 1 to 4 players.Players take on the role of vengeful necromancers sending out their loyal minions to do their bidding.

TLAMA games - Paladinové Západního království
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
FREEFREE €43,64 –10 %

Hra Paladinové Západního království je zasazena do bouřlivého období Západofranské říše, kolem roku 900 našeho letopočtu. Navzdory nedávným snahám o rozvoj města čelí hraniční osady neustálé vnější hrozbě. Saracéni prozkoumávají hranice, zatímco Vikingové drancují majetek a zvířata. Dokonce i Byzantinci z dalekého východu dávají důvod k obavám.V roli urozených dam a pánů musíte sjednotit své...

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €37,68 –9 %

In Sázky, prosím! (Ready Set Bet - Czech Edition), you and your friends head to the races for a day of cheering, jeering, and betting on your favorite horses, whose fates hang on every roll of the dice.

mockup png(1)
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €31,73 –10 %

Throughout the competition, you will gather Ingredients from Bowls, Prepare Recipes, and Complete them to claim Awards. The more Recipes you Complete, the more skillful you become and the more points you will receive. You can use special kitchen Tools and Golden Tokens to gain tactical advantages.

Delta box
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
FREEFREE €65,48 –39 %
Delta CZ
In stock (>5 pcs)

In Delta, players set out on an adventure through the Delta region of Kamargo, to try and gather more information about the crystals that power up the PSEs. as players observe the mechanimals such as the tortoise, flamingo, horses, and bulls. Send your crew to the different sections of the board to try and maximize your actions, and later on add new crew members to your team and even set...

Bez názvu 3(1)
Our Product Showroom
€25,77 –9 %

Your Clan will grant you a special power and unique clan cards to create and upgrade your deck. The Warchief expansion also brings you a dedicated warchief, coming both with a permanent power and a new card to add to your upgrades.

Bez názvu 2(1)
Our Product Showroom
€25,77 –9 %

Introducing some advanced creatures beside the already existing "classic" creatures like wolfs or the brown bear.Beside the new creatures, you will find a module of 11 special environmental tiles. Introducing tiles with special effects.

mockup jpg
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
FREEFREE €87,31 –10 %

La Granja: Deluxe Master Set is an upgraded and expanded version of the 2014 game La Granja in which 1–4 players manage small farms by the Alpich pond near the village of Esporles on Majorca.

majestatni monumenty
Our Product Showroom 2 + 1
€23,78 –10 %

V rozšíření Architekti Západního království: Rozkvět řemesel se tovaryši vracejí do města jako mistři obohacení o hluboké znalosti řemesel. V cechovním domě nikdy nebylo tak rušno. Zatímco někteří učedníci tráví čas osvojováním nových dovedností, jiní zkrášlují městské stavby vším možným od zlatých tapisérií po mozaiková okna. Ale nenechte se ošálit vším tím zlatavým třpytem a luxusními...

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